All submitted music remains the property of the artist and by submitting it you just give grey clay radio permission to play the work on Drone Day 2025. If you would like your work to remain in the grey clay schedule after the day, please state this at time of submission. grey clay radio is 100% non-commercial - no fees are payable and submitted music remains royalty-free. After Drone Day artists are free to use their tracks in any way they wish.
A grey clay radio Drone Day 2025 Call for Submissions
Yes! This year grey clay radio will be participating in Drone Day as a station.
This brilliant event goes off all around the world on Saturday 24th May 2025 and you are invited to get involved.
grey clay radio will be playing your recorded drone music all day (and possibly the next too) and also plans some live broadcasts again from the studio here.
If you’d like to be involved in the grey clay radio event, send in your original drone track* in WAV format (maximum duration 30 mins) using a file transfer or sharing facility to
Please state artist name and track title and please make it clear that your submission is for Drone Day 2025.
Deadline is midnight on 16th May 2025.
More information about the events going off worldwide can be found here:
Thank you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*this can be strictly or loosely ‘drone’ music. Multiple tracks from artists will be considered.
31.03.2025 Searching For A Way Home: The Traveller's Story Vol 3 by Hypnotic Transmissions.
30.03.2025 Ahead of official release tomorrow, a recursion on the sweet release of death by Malisima (feat. Kyle Dearn, Violet Vengeance & givelife).
30.03.2025 A very Warm welcome to Laura Molina with the album, Los VIAJES Imaginarios.(Imaginary Journeys) Released on the superb Calathea Experimenta label.
30.03.2025 From Anthene Noctu4 - Desierto/Deseo (excerpts). Released on Kalamine Records.
29.03.2025 The Great Old Ones present Lands of Azathoth, an exploration into the unfathomable and chaotic core of Lovecraft’s mythos.
28.03.2025 From Malísima, tracks from the album, El Día Antes Del Verano Que Cambió Mi Vida.
27.03.2025 The latest long-form, deep listening release from fields we found, resolve / relate 03
27.03.2025 Jack Hertz, Floating, Falling - a tribute to Lynch's Twin Peaks.
26.03.2025 Welcome to rsn with dilatation#1. Released on Adventurous Music.
26.03.2025 EPINOSE by Guru Bobol. Released on GATES of HYPNOS.
25.03.2025 Another warm welcome, this time to sound artist Makhun with this first addition, The Air Is Unable.
25.03.2025 All That's Left is Here to Remain, by Andreas Davids. Released on Iner DEmons Records.
24.03.2025 A warm welcome to alcamis, with two tracks, Urbana core symphoniae and Elle-Kong.
23.03.2025 Searching for Meaning by Alpha Ruin Run.
22.03.2025 Hades, the latest by Substak. Released on Drama Recorder.
22.03.2025 rhythm structures 01 - first in a new quarterly series by fields we found.
21.03.2025 Exclusively on grey clay radio, Alinovsky's Contingency.
20.03.2025 Smoke Signal Poetry by twoplusoneequalsfour. Released on Adventurous Music for your Spring Equinox delight.
19.03.2025 Another very warm welcome to grey clay, this time for Pablo Bas with the album Inventario.
18.03.2025 A fabulous burst of live Dogs versus Shadows - this is surely enough?
18.03.2025 Welcome to autodetuned with this expansive and detailed album, Microwaves.
17.03.2025 A very warm welcome to Yankees Suck with this first dive into their superb body of work, rained out.
17.03.2025 From 500 Goats, Getting Along. Released on NEUS-318.
16.03.2025 A very warm welcome to Anthene Noctua4 with this first addition to the mix, The Leaves Don't Leave The Tree.
16.03.2025 A Murmuration of Stalins by DARDIS, reflecting the dread of the civilised world right now. Released on Inner Demons Records.
15.03.2025 Subdivisions by 400 Lonely Things. Released by Unexplained Sounds Group in collaboration with Dissipatio.
15.03.2025 Wonderful to be playing the latest (re)release from Oberlin - The Gold Pit Sessions Vol 1
14.03.2025 Silent Observers, the sultry new EP by Substak. Released today on See Blue Audio.
14.03.2025 Tracks from the album serotinia by Malisima - a fascinating vocal/noise exploration of starting again after losing everything.
13.03.2025 Five more fabulous tracks by Miss Canine Hoe added to the mix.
12.03.2025 The latest release from quiet details, I Wish There Was a Place Like That by Polypores.
11.03.2025 Four more gems from the Unexplained Sounds Group compilation: The Neuromancers. Music inspired by William Gibson's universe. Adi Newton, Dead Voices On Air, NYORAI and Tescon Pol.
10.03.2025 door de ruit, a dialogue between the city of Den Haag and a resident who moved through it, by HADDOW.
09.03.2025 Six more tracks by Russell's Teapot, including the as yet unreleased, The panda and the drum.
08.03.2025 Ennui by Séraphitüs-Séraphîta. "Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui."
- Emil Cioran
08.03.2025 Louise - a burning blaze, a betrayal... by Fletina.
07.03.2025 From Linear North, out today, spaceshift vol 2
06.05.2025 Submundos - another incredible electronic-vocal epic including text by T.S. Eliot, from the awesome Dúo TRoneitor.
05.03.2025 A warm welcome to Berlin's Mathieu Sylvestre with MAIN CORE.
04.03.2025 From Pietro Zollo, the beautiful, meditative Abstraction. Released on Projekt Records.
03.03.2025 Boardwalk by Grey Tissue. Released on NEUS-318
02.03.2025 LEFKA ORI, a musical depiction of the mountain range of the same name, by Selfish Limbs. Released on Shady Ridge Records.
01.03.2025 a tongue undresses by Fritz Gessler.
Pattern Recognition, Barnstaple, Devon UK
A total privilege to be in such august company at the 3rd awesome Pattern Recognition event. Huge thanks to Paul and Matt for making it happen; Studio KIND for hosting, North Devon Council and everyone who made the sound and vision so exceptionally smooth.
Line up:
The Dark PyrAmid
Terminal Optimism
28.02.2025 Secrets We Hide Among The Bytes Of Our Unreleased Tracks - a superb split/collab by Malísima and Yankees Suck.
27.02.2025 Diazepam by Drift. Originally released on C60 cassette in 1996, now reissued, remastered and with a previously unreleased track from 2024. Out on Eighth Tower Records.
26.02.2025 March came in like a lion, but went out like a lamb by Miss Canine Hoe.
25.02.2025 Four more tracks from The Neuromancers. Music inspired by William Gibson's universe, released on USG. NYORAI, SIGILLLUM S, phoanøgramma, Richard Bégin.
25.02.2025 A real treat to see Passepartout Duo playing live with INOYAMALAND at Cafe Oto, Dalston Junction this week.
An utterly mesmerising, transporting performance in an intimate and respected venue by real kindred spirits.
It was also wonderful to see their legendary Chromaplane instrument in action.
This collaboration is an annual event, springing from the recording of their album Radio Yugawara in 2023 in Japan.
24.02.2025 The next addition from HADDOW - intent present.
23.02.2025 Tracks from Plasmaspheric23 by Russell's Teapot. Released on Inner Demons Records.
23.02.2024 Insomnia - 3 tracks about insomnia and sleep deprivation by ■ david wallraf.
22.02.2025 Two tracks by Séraphitüs-Séraphîta, conjoined for purely technical reasons. The first, As We Run From the Day with David Dellacroce, followed by My Mind Is Slipping.
21.02.2025 A Thyrsus by DISORGANISM. Re-released by the wonderful Off Record Label.
21.02.2025 Five more tracks from the fabulous USG compilation, 10th Annual Report - Anniversary Edition. MubisMusic, David Kovacs, Loo(p)cy, ASDB and Marbury.
20.02.2025 Awakening in the Vortex by Substak. Released on Inner Demons Records.
20.02.2025 Black Hole by Substak. Released on <1.
20.02.2025 Echoes of Chaos - the first of a trio of new additions today from Substak. Released on Inner Demons Records.
19.02.2025 The latest interpretation of the theme, quiet details - Hope isn't a Four Letter Word by Jordan GCZ.
18.02.2025 Space Dust Obsession (feat. SYN) by SAM.
17.02.2025 Tracks from the new album by slow_the_tape, Unreachable.
16.02.2025 A remaster of Hypnotic Transmission's 2023 Impulses.
15.02.2025 From the Sound_00/Lefterna ongoing collab, Collab 67. Released on Inner Demons Records.
15.02.2025 resolve/relate 02. Two beautifully meditative tracks, and the second in a series from fields we found.
14.02.2025 Welcome to vcam with the album apendula. Released on Point Source Electronic Arts.
14.2.2025 A very warm welcome to Thomas Poken with the debut track, Testing Area, due for release on 26th February.
13.02.2025 Itinere by P.U.M.A. Released on The Church of Noisy Goat.
12.02.2025 The latest long form release from Freight Cell - Damaged Projections From An Abstract Source.
12.02.2025 Four more sound pieces from Miss Canine Hoe: Dive Into Noise, 4'33@4-33, Prayers and Frei aber einsam (materials mix short ver.)
11.02.2025 From The Neuromancers. Music inspired by William Gibson's universe, released on USG. Oubys, Joel Gilardini, André Uhl.
11.02.2025 A final selection of tracks for you from the superb Eighth Tower Records compilation, Drone Islands I/II/III including Thomas Grenzebach, BlackWeald, BLOODKRY and HLER.
10.02.2025 Another 6 tracks by the incomperable Russell's Teapot, including the as yet unreleased The Pylons.
10.02.2025 A very warm welcome to HADDOW with their latest release, o sono no arco.
10.02.2025 A long-form live track by Bruno Bernard, Crassula ovata (the money plant).
09.02.2025 Crudeltá Necessaria by David Wallraf. Released on Karlrecords.
08.02.2025 Ólafsfjörður by Passepartout Duo.
07.02.2025 The wondrously immersive Thunderous Surf by Séraphitüs-Séraphîta.
06.02.2025 The superbly cool Low by Substak and Signalstoerung. Released on Mahorka.
05.02.2025 Five imaginary landscapes, rendered as sound in Topography EP by Trem 77
04.02.2025 Colorwave by Mike Vernusky. Released on NEUS-318
03.02.2025 Duga-3 by the fabulous Relay Station. Released on LOUDsilence.
02.02.2025 Nine more tracks from the wonderful Tunefork Studios fundraiser compilation, Land 01 (أرض ٠١)- A compilation for the displaced in Lebanon.
Joy Moughanni, june as, Kujo, Marwan Tohme, Maud Zeinoun, Nour Sokhon, Stephanie Merchak, tedzi, Yara Asmar.
01.02.2025 Tales of Introspection by ASC. Released on quiet details.
01.02.2025 Tracks from Colour by Pestzone. Released on Inner Demons Records.
31.01.2025 On the See Blue Audio label, Vestige by Fragile X in their Leit Motif guise.
31.01.2025 The latest from Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood, Sound Casting Shadows/Buried Smiles Betray The Signals.
30.01.2025 Ronins Of The Electric Sea by Hypnotic Transmissions.
30.01.2025 No Harmonics by Substak. Released on Adventurous Music.
29.01.2025 The Most Captivating Woman In The World by Hendekagon.
29.01.2025 Five more tracks by Miss Canine Hoe: melt, severance, melodious/mysterious, Quiet Music Phase III and melting memories.
28.01.2025 Ghost Artery by Dogs Versus Shadows. Releases 21.03.2025 on Flaming Pines.
28.01.2025 A fabulous set of long-form pieces by ∞ + David Dellacroce - Distorted Nights & Conflated Days. Released on The Museum of Viral Memory.
27.01.2025 Completing the current set of albums released so far by Colonial Skyway, the beguiling, From The Land Of Silence.
27.01.2025 salle des pendus a fascinating binaural recording by Bruno Bernard. (Headphones recommended.)
26.01.2025 A very warm welcome to Russell's Teapot, starting with a selection of 5 tracks from the past year.
26.01.2025 Tracks from People In The World Blow Up The World by ■David Wallraf. Released on Maya Schwarze Katze.
25.01.25 A warm welcome to Ran Slavin with the album, SOFTWARE SHADOWS. Released 31.01.2025 on Nocturnal Rainbow Recordings.
25.01.2025 Vis-á-Vis by Passepartout Duo.
24.01.2025 Hail Mouth by Oort. Released on NEUS-318
24.01.2025 Tracks from. The Politics of Cultural Despair by Séraphitüs-Séraphîta.
23.01.2025 4 more tracks from the 10th Annual Report - Anniversary Edition compilation from the Unexplained Sounds Group, by Scientia and Tenebrae, Kate Bosworth & Hendekagon, Daniele Ciullini and CCJ.
23.01.2025 Tracks from [gelöscht] by VERFUHRERVERGELTER.
22.01.2025 A very warm welcome to Bristol's Trem 77 with this fabulous 2024 release Eyelid Movies EP.
22.01.2025 resolve/relate 01 a beautiful and poingnant statement from fields we found.
22.01.2025 The superb and unique sound of Dúo TRoneitor with their 2021 album, ¿QUÉ RUIDO ES ESE?
21.01.2025 WAVE reform by NAGANO Masataka. Released on NEUS-318.
21.01.2025 Courtyard Barrel - a fabulous 15 minutes of sound collage by Fletina just out today.
20.01.2025 FEATURED ALBUM: 100 by Adventurous Music Collective.
20.01.2025 Another clutch of tracks from the Eighth Tower Records Compilation, Music For Alien Temples, including ówt krì, Kelados, Nerthus, insectarium and progettosonoro.
19.01.2025 8 tracks from the superb Tunefork Studios compilation, Land 01 (أرض ٠١): A compilation for the displaced in Lebanon, including Bana Haffar, Charbel Haber, Claudia Khachan, Elyse Tabet, Etyen, Flugen, Jad Atoui, Marc Codsi.
18.01.2025 String Theory, a minimalist bass and effects odyssey, by Audible Masticators. Released by Inner Demons Records.
17.01.2025 Ultramarine - a superb collection of tracks previously released on compilations, including two reworks, by the phenomenal Quatrefoil. Released on Adventurous Music.
16.01.2025 - trying to keep up with this incredibly prolific artist's releases, a second by Substak today, No Place. Released on Inner Demons Records.
16.01.2025 Absolute Zero by Substak. Released on Polysphere.
15.01.2025 Four more wonderful tracks from the Eighth Tower Records compilation, Drone Islands I/II/III by Simon McCorry, BedouinDrone, PLHUM and Taphephobia.
15.01.2025 a very warm welcome to Lucas Werenkraut with the album Degradación Irreversible, featuring the truly awesome TRoneitor instrument.
14.01.2024 Four more tracks by Miss Canine Hoe for your January survival kit: Doves, confusion, rescue me and reborn.
13.01.2025 Nobody Anywhere by Colonial Skyway.
13.01.2025 A moment with the infinite, Cosmos by Bruno Bernard.
12.01.2025 From Thomas Park, the fascinating, Epic Wasteland Journey.
11.01.2025 FEATURED ALBUM - Circo Pobre by Passepartout Duo.
09.01.2025 4 tracks from the 10th Annual Report - Anniversary Edition compilation from the Unexplained Sounds Group, by Michael Gunditz, Oubys, Jarl and Noise For No One.
09.01.2025 Jam 101 Pleistocene Megafauna playing live At Music Workshop 09.11.24.
08.01.2025 From Down Chamber, [Transistor] in Transit.
08.01.2025 South of the Lake by Wil Bolton. Released on quiet details.
06.01.2025 Tracks from the Eighth Tower Records compilation, Music For Alien Temples, by Yousef Kawar, Kloob, Kokum, Plamen Večnosti and SÍLENÍ.
06.01.2025 From the album Architecture by Mademoiselle Marchand released in Inner Demons Records, Architecture III.
05.01.2025 Tracks from From The Void: Silicon Signals To A Dead Brain by VERFÜHRERVERGELTER.
04.01.2025 Sombres Rêveurs - an imaginary film score by Francis Théberge. Released on Inner Demons Records.
03.01.2025 From ■david wallraf, Nightmare Cartography II - the second of two direct to cassette tape releases where track titles reference recording dates and fragments of a dream diary.
02.01.2025 A highly chilled release from Substak on the secret domain label, Untitled Thoughts.
02.01.2025 Alinovsky's rework of the Les Boucles Absurdes track, J'entends Murmurer le Sable.
01.01.2025 Four more tracks from the fabulous Eighth Tower Records release, Drone Islands I/II/III by TraumaTerrestrial, Simon Balestrazzi, Massimo Olla and Lars Bröndum.
31.12.2024 4 more pieces by Miss Canine Hoe added to the mix: ϛ, Misprision, polymorphism and STIC.
30.12.2024 Landline by Colonial Skyway, for your endless tranquillity.
30.12.2024 la pulpe du vide, composition after the great Persian poet Rûmi, by Bruno Bernard.
30.12.2024 Blind Memory/Thoughts Dream Of Courage They Do Not Have/an-i-mus by Steven Ray.
28.12.2024 A warm welcome to Séraphitüs-Séraphîta with this first addition from their body of work, On the Breath of the Wind.
27.12.2024 Just released by Freight Cell - Surrounding The Room.
27.12.2024 Continuing the exploration of their body of work, from 2021 Daylighting by Passepartout Duo.
26.12.2024 Tracks from the Rhombus Index and f5point6 collaboration, Mutual Expression, added to the mix. Released on See Blue Audio.
24.12.2024 Just out from Hypnotic Transmissions, Dr Kanode - the story of a deranged psychiatrist.
23.12.2024 Another gem from the See Blue Audio label, Together by Gigi D'Amico.
22.12.2024 Welcome to VERFÜHRERVERGELTER with this 2022 release Eros ion.
21.12.2024 Animal Carnival - a long-form piece by Tanti Aglaia, released on See Blue Audio.
20.12.2024 The Lovecraftian Nemesis by Schwarzer Tag. Released on The Ignore The Past Group.
20.12.2024 Recorded direct to cassette with no edits or overdubs, David Wallraff's Nightmare Cartography I.
19.12.2024 New from Substak, Orbit. Released on LOUDsilence.
19.12.2024 Decided. Alinovsky's sequel to his preceding release on Off records.
18.12.2024 The latest from the ever-fascinating Guru Bobol - MÉTOTRÉSÉE.
18.12.2024 An Fálródaí (d'ATT) - the extremely haunting new track by Roslyn Steer, dedicated to Cian Ó Cíobháin and his legendary radio show.
17.12.2024 Eugene - Leipzig - Varaždin - Frome, by DISORGANISM.
Released on Adventurous Music.
17.12.2024 flooded by Miss Canine Hoe.
16.12.2024 The latest release from Hypnotic Transmissions is a story of someone alone and broken, called Beneath The Surface.
16.12.2024 The next addition from Colonial Skyway, the deeply transcendent, Evening on Earth.
15.12.2024 Steven Ray's brilliant release from April this year, A Knife Into Flowers.
15.12.2024 Immense, soaring, beautiful. The Inexplicable Iceberg Blue EP by Gimu, added to the mix.
14.12.2024 Four more epic tracks from Drone Islands-I,II,III by Ah Cama-Sotz, Kammarheit, Ashtoreth and Stefan Klaverdal. Released on Eighth Tower Records.
13.12.2024 Upon Waking - the new release and limited edition cassette EP by Kῦμα and Disorganism.
13.12.2024 From 2021, the beautiful Epigrams by Passepartout Duo.
12.12.2024 A fascinating soundscape exploration - Mati Pirsztuk's Mitternacht. Released on Off.
11.12.2024 Paper Sunset - the new album by Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood.
10.12.2024 Tracks from the album Azalea by Bagaski added to the mix. Released on See Blue Audio.
09.12.2024 Singing Stones (Volume 1) by Snowdrops. Released on Gizeh Records.
09.12.2024 A couple of cheeky ones from Session 46 (Live @ Quarterhouse Lates) by Pleistocene Megafauna.
08.12.2024 Welcome to f5point6 with this their latest release on See Blue Audio, A Random Sequence of Events.
08.12.2024 Your Guilty Conscience by the anonymous BRMC. Released on Drama Recorder.
07.12.2024 Mightily appropriate for some of us in SW England today! I The Storm by Simon McCorry. Released by See Blue Audio.
07.12.2024 From Hungary, Obscured Instinct and the pale Folklore by Kokum. Released on Eighth Tower Records.
06.12.2024 A very warm welcome to Leipzig's Schwarzer Tag with the album contrafact.
06.12.2024 Headset and Settings by poborsk. Released by Point Source Electonic Arts.
05.12.2024 Prophetically incisive, America Decides by Alinovsky (feat. Dominique Van Cappellen-Waldock) Released on the Off record label.
05.12.2024 New from Thierry Arnal, INERTIA RESHAPED.
04.12.2024 The absence of cellos by Down Chamber, from the play 'The Absence of Everything' by Katherine Orozco-Verderber.
04.12.2024 The latest release from quiet details, Exotopia by Sanger and Sanger.
03.12.2024 textures - an exploration of the perception of texture by Bruno Bernard
03.12.2024 No Birds in the Sky - another superb track from Miss Canine Hoe.
03.12.2024 The first of two additions today from Osaka's Miss Canine Hoe - the strangely powerful N.I.M
02.12.2024 A very warm welcome to Colonial Skyway with this their most recent release, Until Satellites Collide.
02.12.2024 Great to be playing another recent release by Fabio Keiner. Seven Pieces - released on Vivarium Recordings.
01.12.2024 From 2022, Competing Abnormalities by Steven Ray.
01.12.2024 The Loneliness Of Carers. A beautiful new album from Gimu. Released on Confusāo Records.
30.11.2024 On Ryu Recordings the latest from Dragon - In The Year Of...
30.11.2024 Four tracks from Eighth Tower's 2022 release, Drone Islands I,II,III: Kloob, Sonologyst,Grey Frequency, Rapoon.
29.11.2024 Another fabulous addition to grey clay, Passepartout Duo, with their latest album, Argot.
29.11.2024 A warm welcome and Hola! to 500 Goats with their debut album, Goat World.
28.11.2024 So excellent to be playing more by Mati Pirsztuk. Electronic Meditations just added to the mix.
28.11.2024 Super delighted to welcome Linear North to the swamp with two tracks from the album Venona.
27.11.2024 Fresh out on Vivarium Recordings, the fabulous MESH by Stefan Dowsing.
26.11.2024 biotopes by Bruno Bernard.
26.11.2024 And perhaps, even ...hope. by Miss Canine Hoe.
25.11.2024 More tracks by Pleistocene Megafauna, drawn from Sessions 42 and 43.
21.11.2024 From Thierry Arnal the superb new album ABRASION.
20.11.2024 A very warm welcome to Ray (Steven Ray) with this collab with fencepost, The Breath Behind My Eyes.
19.11.2024 The final burst of selections from the very excellent Anthology Of Experimental Music From Canada, with tracks from Michael Trommer, Kuma, e.dulanovsky, Clinker and Brandon Auger. Released on USG.
18.11.2024 Just out - Cracked EP by the brilliant Kῦμα.
17.11.2024 From the incomparable Gimu, no.hypomania.
16.11.2024 Drone Islands - Borealis. The 4th compilation in the series from Eighth Tower Records.
15.11.2024 On Adventurous Music, Vacant Posession and Basic Tape Loops's Intimate Spaces Of Everyday Life.
14.11.2024 From the brilliant Mademoiselle Marchand, Three Cold Winters. Released on Inner Demons Records.
13.11.2024 Another exclusive for GCR - Dem_Andenken_eines_Engels by Stefan Dowsing.
13.11.2024 The latest from the quiet details label - Duet by Tomoyoshi Date and Bill Seaman.
12.11.2024 A very warm welcome to Bruno Bernard with this his latest release, lisières.
12.11.2024 From 2021, Infinity384819 by Miss Canine Hoe (Mytyl Sheena).
11.11.2024 Funktionalitaet 2 by Signalstoerung. Released on Adventurous Music.
11.11.2024 EARTH - The superb new release from INYAN.
09.11.2024 The Contemporaneity of Six Moments by Hendekagon. Released on Adventurous Music.
Fabulous to catch Pleistocene Megafauna playing live at The Music Workshop, Folkstone, supporting Hotel du Globe on Saturday. An excellent night and great to meet everyone.
09.11.2024 More magic from Pleistocene Megafauna - 5 tracks from Session 40 & 41.
08.11.2024 Tracks from The Visitation PLays - the new album by Bit Cloudy.
08.11.2024 Tracks by Lord Ursus from the split lord ursus / cementation anxiety. Released on Human Geography Recordings.
07.11.2024 The AFTER VOLTER of Saent Ungus Guest Mix by AFTERVOLTER
From Irving Paul Pereira (aka AFTERVOLTER)a special mix of his upcoming album The AFTER VOLTER of Saent Ungus. Playing Thursday 7th November 5am and 12 noon UK time. Repeated weekly. Details and legend on the schedule page
07.11.2024 From the Inner Demons Records release, A Sense of self derived only from the validation of others by British Misery, the track I can't find my way through the fog.
06.11.2024 For you ravens, Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood's latest for you - A Stolen Breath.
05.11.2024 Twenty Two by VAAG. Released on Point Source Electronic Arts.
04.11.2024 The totally beautiful Heights and Abysses by Gimu.
03.11.2024 Two tracks from Paolo L Bandera's Riconnessione Iconoclastica Sacrale. Released on Unexplained Sounds.
02.11.2024 Generative Wastelands 08
Episode 08 extends the theme to the new location of Florida.
Details on schedule page.
02.11.2024 PROTOTYPING 40 years of one of a kind making
(Part 1 of 3.) A new special feature on the music of Oliver Schoeffler, spanning the last 4 decades. Playing Saturdays 3am and Thursdays 7pm UK time. Starting 02.11.2024
02.11.2024 Tracks from Lilypad Locket by Hecatus (Hand Of Hecate). Released on Inner Demons Records.
02.11.2024 An absolutely wonderful night at the Silk Mill, Frome.
Gnostic Rebellion headlining with superb support from
Jo Hyde
Kung Fu Jesus
Byte Farm
As always, huge respect to Patrick Dunn for the amazing visuals and to the Silk Mill. Lovely fire!!!
01.11.2024 ANAKRONISM 12
The dramatic and emotional new mix by Signalstoerung featuring new sounds from artists on the Adventurous Music label.
See schedule page for track list.
01.11.2024 So excited to play this one from David Wallraf, نه (no). Released on Brachliegen Tapes.
31.10.2024 Disorganism Visits The Museum lands!
31.10.2024 Jettenbach's masterful performance at last Saturday's Breezeblock Beats event
30.10.2024 A warm welcome to Al Fresco Skronk Squadron with Gear.
29.10.2024 The August release from Miss Canine Hoe on Adventurous Music - Septem Peccata Mortalia (The Seven Deadly Sins).
28.10.2024 A Daymare Reality by Shadow Echo Canyon. Released on Inner Demons Records.
28.10.2024 An excerpt from the hour-long Of Womb by Disorganism. A free download, released on eg0cide productions.
27.10.2024 <1NTWRK Reclamation 12 - guest DJ mix on grey clay radio
9pm Sunday 27th October and 1am Thursday 31st October (UK time)
The next effulgent ‘chapter’ of the <1NTWRK Reclamation series on grey clay radio. Two hours of sonic peregrination for your soul to surf on this dark, moist night.Schedule page for details.
27.10.2024 Something to rattle your cage this fine Sunday morning. Seytan by Sorkom. Released on Inner DEmons Records.
26.10.2024 Breezeblock Beats @ The Lucky Chance, Frome UK
The second Breezeblock event at this superb venue and 4 wonderful performances by:
Astral Synthesis
Rapid Eye Electronics Ltd (R.E.E.L) extended 1hr set.
Huge respect to Stuart and Andrew for putting on the event and to Patrick Dunn, as always, for stunning visuals.
26.10.2024 MOSS:24OCT24
Another snapshot has been taken of the last two week’s new additions to the grey clay schedule (aka the Mossy Shallows). Here for you, another 90 (ish) minute mix by our very own Thébru Čelet, for your earthly delight.
Timestamped Track list on the Schedule Page.
26.10.2024 Tracks from Sessions 34, 36 and 37, by Pleistocene Megafauna.
25.10.2024 From the album Dethrone, the track Groan by Lärmschutz. Released on Inner Demons Records.
25.10.2024 From the upcoming split with Lord Ursus on Human Geography Recordings, seven tracks by Cementation Anxiety.
24.10.2024 Diogene's A Perfect Sunset added to the mix.
23.10.2024 discerned in the fugue of streams - the new album by r beny on quiet details.
22.10.2024 Navigation by Sven Phalanx. Released by Inner Demons Records
21.10.2024 Fragmento Sonoro Sussurrado (Ou Homenagem Às Tristes Caixinhas De Som Do Meu Computador No Trabalho) by Gimu.
20.10.2024 Leng by Pestzone, for your Sunday darkness. Released on Inner Demons Records.
19.10.2024 Dark Nature Talks by Substak. Out on Inner Demons Records.
18.10.2024 From the VV-VA label, Crossed Laces by Jawad Nawfal.
17.10.2024 The new release by Hypnotic Transmissions, Madness.
16.10.2024 Seen To Remain, the new album by Fletina. Released on Kirigirisu Recordings
15.10.2024 B.D.S.M the latest album by Miss Canine Hoe. Released on Off Records.
15.10.2024 Tracks from BLAZEN by Mutant Beatniks added to the mix.
14.10.2024 Witchcraft by Capricorni Pneumatici. Originally a 1989 cassette release, this gem from the Italian industrial scene is rereleased by Eighth Tower Records.
13.10.2024 Pattern Recognition - Studio KIND, Barnstaple, Devon, UK.
A huge pleasure to be at the second Pattern Recognition event last night. A really excellent venue and a fabulous sound. Can't wait for the recordings! Playing on the night:
Spike Dott
Jettenbach vs Heliosis
Al Fresco Skronk Squadron
Matt Greasley
14.10.2024 From Romania's Iah (aka Ia-HA-Crux), Tracks from Cimilituri (Cine are urechi de auzit sa asurzeasca). Released on Inner Demons Records.
13.10.2024 Drifting. A special collection of ambient tracks by Hypnotic Transmissions.
13.10.2024 digitalsakura's latest release on Adventurous Music, geopolitik.
12.10.2024 Taskerlands - a fascinating upcoming album from Megalithic Transport Network. Released on Human Geography Recordings.
12.10.2024 Tracks from the latest album from Sermons By The Devil, Exorcismo Electrónico.
11.10.2024 Coast by Elyse Tabet & Jawad Nawfal. Released on VV-VA.
11.10.2024 Rainmaker II from the EP, Rainmaker by R4. Released on Inner Demons Records.
11.10.2024 More tracks by Pleistocene Megafauna, from sessions 29, 31 and 44.
10.10.2024 Cycling in Space by Stefan Dowsing. Exclusively playing on grey clay radio!
10.10.2024 Diogene's 2023 Time Reversal, for your temporally inverted pleasure.
09.10.2024 The lore of the future techno entity that is, REI-TOXCIS, by ALTËRVOLTAR.
09.10.2024 Tracks from the album, Everything Will Pass by Stormhat, added to the mix. Released on Inner Demons Records.
08.10.2024 motif# 10 LANGUAGE
Call for Submissions
now open. Deadline 23.10.2024
Details on the news page.
08.10.2024 Fresh out today, the new track by Jettenbach, isearchedthedarknessfindingonlymyself......anditwashome.
08.10.2024 Everything else disappears... Manuel Carbone's utterly beguiling Tutto il resto sparisce. Released on Adventurous Music.
08.10.2024 THA_LAB.Transmission 3
The third deep dark guest mix for grey clay by Thierry Arnal. Mondays, 9pm & Fridays 3am, UK time.
Details on the schedule page.
07.10.2024 Originally released on Unknown Tone Records, Senses by Gimu.
07.10.2024 Tracks from Volume 2 by Polarlicht. Released on Inner Demons Records.
06.10.2024 Another beauty from the recent IDR batch - Escape the Seventh Circle by The Deep Bleed.
06.10.2024 Two more fascinating tracks from the USG compilation, Anthology of Experimental Music From Canada: - 13 Seascapes (For Helen Frankenthaler) by au vol and Geometry Problems by Kaunsel.
05.10.2024 Submerge yourself in the chromatic ambience of afterthought by xlmxkhfi. Released on VV-VA.
05.10.2024 From 2021, Janek Krukowski's Natural.
04.10.2024 Drone Messages by substak. Released on Inner Demons Records.
03.10.2024 Fenelle - the latest album from the formidable Guru Bobol.
02.10.2024 Stopping Positions by Mademoiselle Marchand. Released of course by Inner Demons Records.
02.10.2024 New from quiet details, Mirage by Brendon Moeller.
01.10.2024 Two lovely long form pieces from The Museum of Viral Memory - A Request For Help by ∞.
01.10.2024 Created using a violin bow on cracked cymbals, Hella Free by Goose.
30.09.2024 Tracks from the EP, O by Scrapping Young Bucks. Released on Inner Demons Records
30.09.2024 Here at grey clay we love wilt, so here's their July release on Broken Bottle Productiuons, FEBRILE.
29.09.2024 Another gem from the recent Inner Demons Records batch, Ego-Morte by There are Ghosts.
29.09.2024 At last, GCR is proud to play Envelope Muse's MIS-CONCEPTION-S ReWorked (2008-2023)featuring reworks of tracks by a whole panoply of stars.
28.09.2024 Disconnect by Wojtek Kiwer. Released on OKLA Records.
28.09.2024 From the Unexplained Sounds Group label,
vÄäristymä 2014 - 2024 by vÄäristymä
28.09.2024 From the alliance of The Creeping Man and pestzone comees Moreine, with Upon Thy Cattle. Released on Inner Demons Records.
27.09.2024 PrimalStar by Cr(A)wE. Released on Inner Demons Records.
27.09.2024 From Pleistocene Megafauna, Session 28.
27.09.2024 Archive by substak.
26.09.2024 Before You by Diogene, added to the mix.
25.09.2024 The darkly groovy new album by LPF12 - tiltedStage.
25.09.2024 Dated 11 (02) by the magnificent FAIL. Released on Inner Demons Records
24.09.2024 From the fabulous OKLA label, Janek Krukowski's - Latent.
24.09.2024 Seasleeper by Fog Baptism. Released on Inner Demons Records.
23.09.2024 The next addition from the recent release batch from Inner Demons Records - Swum to Phasis by Eli Wallis.
22.09.2024 From the new EP Four Songs by Oberlin, Strange February Mood.
22.09.2024 Beautiful Isolation (the difference between being alone and being lonely) by Andreas Davids. Released on Inner Demons Records.
21.09.2024 From Scottish sound artist, Fletina, Becquerel - a homage to Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel, 'The Father of Solar Energy'.
20.09.2024 ARCANA OF PHYSICS:Panspermia by eumourner. Released on Inner Demons Records.
19.09.2024 補食者の帝国 (Empire of Predator) by kyomdarak. Released on K.V.N.T Kolektiv.
19.09.2024 Shrouded in Silence by MCHK. A long-form collaboration between Manuel Carbone and Hendekagon. Released on Inner Demons Records.
18.09.2024 Omega by Die Sonne Satans. Released on Eighth Tower Records.
17.09.2024 From the latest grey clay live lunch broadcast and now released on Adventurous Music, DisAudINYANism by twoplusoneequalsfour.
16.09.2024 Ophelia - the latest release by digitalsakura on Adventurous Music.
15.09.2024 Some more tracks from fountain by Mutant Beatniks. Released on Wormhole World.
14.09.2024 Generative Wastelands 06 The latest sonic exploration of potential spaces by Thomas Park.
Details on the schedule page
14.09.2024 From Carl Fleischer and Imogen Marks, as Electric Sheets Over Them, Electric Sheets Over Them. released on Human Geography Recordings.
13.09.2024 Another bunch of tracks by Pleistocene Megafauna, selected from Sessions 26 & 27.
12.09.2024 From 2022, Diogene's The Unknown Trip.
11.09.2024 Weeds by James Murray, added to the mix. Released on quiet details.
10.09.2024 The latest from David Wallraf, Nostalgia, for your beautiful day.
09.09.2024 A remarkable release from 2021, A by AIS. Released on 4'33" records.
08.09.2024 <1NTWRK single artist mix - how the night came & febrile
A beautifully intimate and oddly moving mix from the ever-inspiring <1 label. The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
08.09.2024 Raffaele Pezzella’s
The Recognition Test - show #348
The latest show from the phenomenal USG.
08.09.2024 Whatever Falls Out Of My Head - the excellent new album by Hypnotic Transmissions.
07.09.2024 The superb new single from Jettenbach - The Laughing Heart, added to the mix.
06.09.2024 ANAKRONISM 10
The next lithe and sultry mix by Signalstoerung of recent sounds on the ever-fascinating Adventurous Music label. The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
06.09.2024 Harmony by substak for your Friday groove.
07.09.2024 A Live Lunch With...twoplusoneequalsfour. INYAN, Signalstoerung and Disorganism take it to the edge in the second grey clay live lunch with... broadcast session.
(Recording planned for a future release soon on Adventurous Music.)
03.09.2024 Another clutch of tracks from Shaun Robert's album psycho acoustic divination.
02.09.2024 TERRA NULLIUS by Thierry Arnal.Released on Musique moléculaire.
31.08.2024 The new album by Disorganism, HEARTH. Released on Inner Demons Records on 18th September 2024.
31.08.2024 The brilliant Radio Odyssey by fr(HK). Released on 4'33" Records.
30.08.2024 Another track from Unexplained Sounds Group's brilliant compilation, Anthology of Experimental Music from Canada. This track,Ex Delicto by the fabulous Aether Pilot.
30.08.2024 Trophallaxis is the exchange of food or other fluids among members of a community in social insects, such as ants or termites. It is also the title of the fabulous new release by Fletina and Peter Wullen.
28.08.2024 A very warm welcome to Diogene with their latest release, the superb Space Chronicles.
27.08.2024 motif#8 SLOW dogs versus shadows has put together an insanely strong mix for you of completely original work, produced for this show by 23 international artists working in electronic and experimental sound.
See schedule page for details.
27.08.2024 Ambiguity-19 for interdimensional trumpet, piano and percussion by Bernardo Bortolin Kerr.
26.08.2024 Vindicative by Hypnotic Transmissions, a story of betrayal and retribution.
25.08.2024 Noisery Rhymes by Enor D. Released on 4'33" Records
24.08.2024 A total gem from Yoyogi Koen. Experimental Oriental, released on 4'33" Records
23.08.2024 DIS-BMH-ISM by BlackAnimisM now haunting the mix. Released on Adventurous Music.
23.08.2024 Another bunch of tracks by the groovy Pleistocene Megafauna, from Sessions 20 & 23
22.08.2024 Space Hotel by substak added to the mix.
22.08.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: burn the world quietly by LPF12
1hr 25 mins. 8 tracks
Released July 2024
21.08.2024 One Universal Breath, by Scottish artist, Veryan. Released on quiet details.
20.08.2024 Five more tracks from Fountain by Mutant Beatniks, added to the mix. Released on Wormhole World.
16.08.2024 ergodicities by tsrono released today on Point Source Electronic Arts.
15.08.2024 The third of Thierry Arnal's releases on Adventurous Music, Trinity.
14.08.2024 ANALYSIS
A new bimonthly guest mix by substak on grey clay radio, starting 14th August, 7pm [UK time].
See schedule page for track list and further details.
14.08.2024 Music for Recurring Decimals - a brilliant mathematical set of compositions by Epsilon-Delta. Released on 4'33"
13.08.2024T The first of the tracks from The Unexplained Sounds Group's incredible compilation, 'Anthology of Experimental Music from Canada', Notions élémentaires de correspondance by Richard Bégin.
12.08.2024 First Failure from Failing at Failing to Fail. Vol 1, by Fail.
11.08.2024 <1NTWRK single artist mix: bedfordnoise
Playing 9pm Sunday 11th August and 1am Thursday 15th August 2024 (UK time)
Details on the schedule page.
11.08.2024 From 4'33", In C:Pulse Solo by Enor D.
10.08.2024 P.U.M.A's recent release, Nuages, on the Musique moléculaire label added to the mix.
09.08.2024 ANAKRONISM 9
An exceptionally beautiful and evocative mix by Signalstoerung of recent sounds on the ever-fascinating Adventurous Music label. See schedule page for track list.
09.08.2024 From 4'33" Records, Yoyogi Koen's Hyakki Yako 百鬼夜行 ひゃっきやぎょう
08.08.2024 The exceptionally cool new release from Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood, Under The Surface Of Silence.
08.08.2024 Three more tracks from psycho acoustic divination by Shaun Roberts.
07.08.2024 Substak's recent release on Adventurous Music, the beautiful Memory.
06.08.2024 Audio Denaturation, the superb new release from Dragon. Released on Ryu Recordings.
05.08.2024 Invasion, the sound of alien spores showering down on Earth, by Hypnotic Transmissions.
04.08.2024 The next set of additions from the mighty Pleistocene Magafauna's body of work. Selected from Sessions 15 and 18.
03.08.2024 Generative Wastelands 05 - Thomas Park’s latest guest mix for grey clay continues the exploration of the potential of seemingly abandoned places. Repeated Saturdays 11pm and Mondays 7pm UK time.
See schedule page.
03.08.2024 The next addition from Gina Lo, The Sound I Wanna Make Has No Letters In English.
03.08.2024 The very first 'Live Lunch with...' live broadcast on grey clay radio took place at 12:00 noon at GCR studio. The legendary Black Magic Holiday (BMH) performed a live session (joined by Disorganism), above the sound of the swamp. If you missed it, you missed it - but don't worry as the session was recorded and may just be making an appearance somewhere in the near future. Expect more Live Lunches on grey clay radio this year.
02.08.2024 Recorded live at The Fork and Spoon, Florida, Marsupial Alliance. Co-released by Inner Demons Records, Fork and Spoon and Forever Escaping Boredom.
01.08.2024 The next remarkable addition from Bernardo Bortolin Kerr, Study for Wonderment-حیرت.
29.07.2024 The new release from Fletina - serrof. Released on Unfathomless.
28.07.2024 Forme by M.B. and Sonologyst. Released on The Unexplained Sounds Group.
Gnostic Rebellion & Jo Hyde, Live in Bruton, UK.
Fabulous to catch two of Frome's finest electronic acts (and Breeze Block Beats regulars) live in the atmospheric setting of St.Mary's Church, Bruton, Somerset UK last night.
27.07.2024 Five more tracks by Mutant Beatniks this time from the album, Fountain. Released by Wormhole World.
26.07.2024 fencepost's recent release on Adventurous Music, configured for aleatoric strings & guitar, catgut.
25.07.2024 Derealizer, the new album by Dissociate added to the mix.
24.07.2024 motif#7 HEAT.
Playing 9pm Tuesday 23rd July & 1am Saturday 27th July [UK time]
See schedule page for track list etc.
24.07.2024 Welcome to Substak with this Inner Demons Records release, Consciousness.
23.07.2024 Selections from Ultra's 2024 Remix Compilation Eins, added to the mix.
22.07.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: State of Control by Richard Bégin. Released on Zero K 18th July 2024
22.07.2024 The new release by Hypnotic Transmissions, is a story about a dying person's descent through The Depths of Hell.
22.07.2024 The latest release from Bernardo Bortolin Kerr, the intriguing Studies for Search/طلب.
22.07.2024 From the EP Pastoral Synthesis by S.Costa, Frieda.
21.07.2024 Another clutch of tracks from the fabulous Pleistocene Megafauna (from Sessions 9 and 14)
21.07.2024 Raffaele Pezzella’s
The Recognition Test - show #346
9am Sunday 21st July, repeated 11pm Thursday 25th July [UK time] on grey clay radio.
Details on the schedule page.
20.07.2024 Breeze Block Beats @ The Lucky Chance, Frome.
A really superb night at this cracking new BBB venue in Frome. Massive thanks to Stuart and Andrew for their tireless work to ensure this unique event continues to be a quality experience for everyone.
Playing on the night:
Terminal Optimism & Tortured Devices
Jo Hyde
Kung Fu Jesus
Invisible Dan
20.07.2024 Delighted to add more work by Gina Lo to the mix today with her album, The Sound I Wanna Make Has No Letters In English 2.
17.07.2024 A very warm welcome to Bernardo Bortolin Kerr, with the first of several tracks, Isolation-19 for extraterrestrial organ, percussion and voice.
16.07.2024 Strolling Down That Secret Path (Again) - the latest by Oberlin for your listening pleasure.
15.07.2024 <1NTWRK guest DJ mix
Echoes From The House Of The Deaf
Playing 9pm Sunday 12th July and 1am Thursday 16th July 2024 (UK time)
Details on the schedule page.
15.07.2024 A spooky little gem from February this year, Yr Ded by Dogs versus Shadows.
14.07.2024 We Drift, We Thirst, We Question - a really superb collab by ∞ + Tukahdus, released by The Museum of Viral Memory.
13.07.2024 ANAKRONISM 8
The gorgeous new mix by Signalstoerung of recent sounds on the amazing Adventurous Music label. Now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
13.07.2024 Four tracks from the album Animal Farm by Mutant Beatniks added to the mix.
11.07.2024 DisJettenism - the drone day collab between Jettenbach and Disorganism, released today on Adventurous Music!
10.07.2024 The Unfading Spark. The beautiful new release by Plant43 on quiet details.
09.07.2024 Welcome to Sweden's Jarl with this fabulous release on Reverse Alignment, Neurotransmitters-Sphere-Music.
08.07.2024 Institutionalised Ritual by Wukir Suryadi's Volcanic Winds.
07.07.2024 Tracking Portraits In Close-up - the new release by Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood for your Sunday delight.
06.07.2024 Generative Wastelands 04 - the next fabulous episode by guest DJ Thomas Park. See schedule page for details.
06.07.2024 The next batch of tracks from Pleistocene Megafauna, taken from Sessions 6 & 8.
05.07.2024 A gorgeous dive into the velvety depths with this superb album by Thierry Arnal - The Ephemeral Armour.
05.07.2024 Huge congratulations to James Newman and Ken Peel for a fantastic 1st ever EMOM in Wells, Somerset (UK) and all the acts who performed. The White Hart pub was an excellent venue and the event organisation and facilities were top notch. A huge honour for grey clay's own Disorganism to be part of it. Looking forward to the next one!
Playing on the night were:
Danny Stokes (DJ set)
Bernardo Bartolin Kerr
Ian J Cole
Coffin Fire
03.07.2024 Released today, the abstract audio collage that is Open Day, by Conducive.
02.07.2024 A warm welcome to Shaun Robert with a clutch of tracks from recent releases now playing on GCR.
01.07.2024 <1NTWRK guest DJ mix
Reclamation 08
Playing 9pm Sunday 30th June 2024 and 1am Thursday 4th July 2024 (UK time)
Details on the schedule page.
01.07.2024 ELEVEN DAYS by Thierry Arnal, added to the mix.
30.06.2024 Through a Glass Darkly by Michael Grunditz - the latest release on Sweden's Reverse Alignment label.
29.06.2024 Some more modular magic from S.Costa- Forest Goblin.
28.06.2024 From Fabio Keiner, the acoustic labyrinth that is Gonglands. Released on Ignis Fatum
27.06.2024 Non-Linear Control Freak - a 2023 8-parter from Dogs versus Shadows.
25.06.2024 A burst of Ultra for your Tuesday groove - Rule.
24.06.2024 MENOLAK TUNDUK/REFUSE TO SUBMIT - the powerful 2022 album by Wukir Suryadi added to the mix.
23.06.2024 A warm welcome to Folkestone's Pleistocene Megafauna starting with their Sessions 1-5 release.
22.06.2024 From David Strother and Mark Hjorthoy, the wonderful Slavery of the Bees. Released on Adventurous Music.
21.06.2024 For your solstice morning bliss, Pietro Zollo's Fragmented Patterns. Released on Projekt Records.
19.06.2024 The wonderfully titled, speak, thou vast and venerable head, by Loula Yorke. Released on quiet details.
18.06.2024 LF20/Killigrew. A LIFEFILES creative exchange by the effervescent BMH. Released by Mortality Tables.
17.06.2024 Yolk by S.Costa from the compilation, Myxos, released by re:natura.
17.06.2024 Blanc Noir (Carol of the Bells version) by Ultra, just added to the mix.
16.06.2024 Welcome to macrogmittrei (and also the Detroit Underground collective), with the brilliant Pacto.
15.06.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Cut UP. Deconstructing W. S. Burroughs by Various Artists. Released by The Unexplained Sounds Group. June 2024
14.06.2024 Stalker - a compilation album from May this year, is a tribute to the cinematic masterpiece "Stalker" (1979) by Russian director Andrej Tarkowskij. Released on Eighth Tower Records.
13.06.2024 Metanoia by WHYDARDII, added to the mix.
12.06.2024 A warm welcome to S. Costa with this fabulous electronic treat, The Radiant Point.
12.06.2024 Another selection of tracks by Down Chamber, this time from the album Fragments of Dissonance.
11.06.2024 The latest from Thierry Arnal, Brume. Released on Adventurous Music.
11.06.2024 Something refreshingly different, BAD by Sam.
08.06.2024 Breezeblock Beats at The Crown, Frome UK.
A brilliant line up of artists comprising: Kῦμα, BMH, disorganism, Terminal Optimism with Antony Bachini, Barbers Green and S.Costa.
Thanks as always to Stuart and Andrew for putting the event on, The Crown in Frome, Patrick Dunn for the stunning visuals and everyone who came along and supported the event.
Video montage of the night:
10.06.2024 A substantial new release from Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood, Motion To Oblivion.
09.06.2024 Ultra with Sven Phalanx - Übergang.
09.06.2024 Tracks from Down Chamber's Kindred Viricide album added to the mix.
08.06.2024 A beautiful new EP from the Inner Demons Records label, Manifeste Sonore pour un Sommeil Révolutionnaire by Saisho最小.
07.06.2024 From May this year, Dogs versus Shadows' moody and moving EP, exemplar of a new time.
06.06.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Qurv Trysr by MTCH
Released 07.06.2024 on Point Source Electronic Arts
05.06.2024 Tracks from The Eventual Coalesce by Down Chamber, added to the mix.
05.06.2024 The next addition from Karma Please, the fabulously melancholic, Gwirith.
04.06.2024 Submerging - a track from the album, Dead Reckoning by Down Chamber, just added to the mix.
04.06.2024THA_LAB. Transmission 01 A brooding new bimonthly guest mix for grey clay by Thierry Arnal. Mondays, 9pm & Fridays 3am, UK time.
Details on the schedule page.
04.06.2024 A delicate and deep release from Oberlin - The Softest Lace. Released on Perceptual Tapes.
03.06.2024 The latest release from Ryu Recordings - the banging WOES by Under Konstruktion.
03.06.2024 <1NTWRK guest DJ mix on grey clay radio- RECLAMATION 07
Playing 9pm Sunday 2nd June 2024 and 1am Thursday 6th June 2024 (UK time)
Details on the schedule page.
03.06.2024 Raffaele Pezzella’s
The Recognition Test - show #343
Dive into a warm ocean of sound with Italy’s Unexplained Sounds Network.
Details on the schedule page.
01.06.2024 A thing of beauty - Hendekagon's 47 Released on Adventurous Music for Drone Day 2024.
01.06.2024 From 'Anthology of Contemporary Music From Far East', FM Odyssey by fr(HK). Released on Unexplained Sounds.
01.06.2024 From 'Anthology of Contemporary Music From Far East', Ten Commandments by Ryo Murakami. Released on Unexplained Sounds.
01.06.2024 Interloper Drift - a lilting ambient earth dream from AFTERVOLTER.
31.05.2024 Tracks from the Breezeblock Beats Drone Day added to the mix.
31.05.2024 E.P. From the Archive of Disappearing Sounds, the latest beautiful release by LampEyes.
30.05.2024 Another gem from WHYDARDII, SPINE E.P. added to the mix.
30.05.2024 A very warm welcome to Karma Please with this May 2024 release, Karma Please.
29.05.2024 Circulating Memories by the brilliant Kazuya Ishigami, just added to the mix. Released on Neotantra.
29.05.2024 The wonderfully rich journey that is Whettman Chelmets' A New Place. Released today on quiet details.
28.05.2024 New to grey clay, phoanøgramma & Luca Ferro with limen memoriae, a 'sonic journey through the depths of memory and liminal abandonment.' Released on Unexplained Sounds.
28.05.2024 From Stefan Dowsing, the haunting Evocation of Wandering Spirits.
27.05.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: All Stem and No Stalk By Dogs versus Shadows.
25.05.2024 DRONE DAY.
A day of drone music by artists from the Breezeblock Beats event in Frome UK, taking over the station. Including grey clay's very first ever live broadcast - Terminal Optimism with Antony Bachini, performing at grey clay studio.
Simultaneously restreamed to the KYIVPASTRANS/Pererva Studio 47 hour Drone Day marathon from Ukraine!
25.05.2024 Psyche by Sanctuary, added to the mix. Released on Reverse Alignment.
25.05.2024 A warm welcome to Tulpa Twin from Austin, Texas with this superb album, Coping Strategies. Released on Adventurous Music.
24.05.2024 Strange Recital - the latest release by Lauré Lussier on Adventurous Music - inspired by the poem cycle of the same name by Canadian poet Émile Nelligan.
23.05.2024 From Leipzig, two beautiful field recordings: An evening in the pond by grey clay choir.
23.05.2024 The latest release from the ever brilliant Aftervolter, cirqu de signä.
23.05.2024 Ultra's second album, Zwei. Some 'rhythm & noise' for the grey clay mix!
22.05.2024 Dogs versus Shadows presents motif#6 EDGE - a show like you've never heard before. Mood, invention, wit, courage and heaps and heaps of the deepest, richest most velvety darkness on the planet. See Schedule Page for details.
Now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
22.05.2024 Concept, by Orlando's Bacon Grease added to the mix. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
21.05.2024 Von Wegen by Oberlin added to the mix. Released on Shimmering Moods Records.
20.05.2024 <1NTWRK single artist mix: 16bard. Playing 9pm Sunday 19th May 2024 and 1am Thursday 23rd May 2024 (UK time)
Details on the schedule page.
20.05.2024 A warm welcome to Ultra from Germany with their 2021 debut album, Eins.
19.05.2024 The Recognition Test #342 The beautiful new show from Italy’s Unexplained Sounds Network. Sunday 19th May 9am & Thursday 23rd May 11pm UK time.
Details on the schedule page
19.05.2024 On the zeroK label, Into The Void - a mesmerising electronic masterpiece by Archaic.
18.05.2024 From Dogs versus Shadows, Flicker in the Grate.
Flames are dreams - sometimes bright, sometimes faded
Flames are voices - sometimes clear, sometimes haunted
17.05.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Still Moving By Roslyn Steer. Released on KantCope, 2015
15.05.2024 A 'mesmerising soundtrip' from Fabio Keiner, Djinn. Released on Eg0cide Productions.
14.05.2024 Tracks from Expansion, the new album by Sommerfeld added to the mix. Released on Ryu Recordings.
13.05.2024 Another superb album from WHYDARDII, Hate, added to the mix.
12.05.2024 From the wonderful Anthology of Contemporary Music From Far East, Singapore's Pupa with a track called jagitate. Released on Unexplained Sounds.
12.05.2024 Unrealistic Memory - an intriguing 4 part sound journey by Kazuya Ishigami.
11.05.2024 The long-form retro-futuristic cityscape exploration, Rivage by Aether Pilot added to the mix
11.05.2024 A second release from Khabat Abas - Dialogue (with a bomb shell cello).
10.05.2024 ANAKRONISM 6
The particularly sweet and haunting mix by Signalstoerung of new music on the Adventurous Music label, for grey clay radio.
10.05.2024 From the inspiring collaboration that brought you 'Rust', Fail and Hendekagon's deep, dark and beautiful, Lines. Released on Adventurous Music.
09.05.2024 Where Time Becomes A Loop - a wonderful experiment in live sequence looping by Mark Hjorthoy. Released on Móatún 7.
09.05.2024 Another deliciously dark outing from AFTERVOLTER, 12th House.
08.05.2024 A Trip To Nowhere by the brilliant Chunyang Yao, added to the mix.
08.05.2024 From Khabat Abas, who I had the pleasure of seeing perform live in London this year, the fabulous Skin Cello.
07.05.2024 Avoiding Ferries, a track from the debut album 'no one in europe knows how to scream anymore' by Knitted Tongues, added to the mix
07.05.2024 From Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood, the decidedly cephlapodal new album, 3 Hearts.
07.05.2024 From Indonesia, Wukir Suryadi's Menolak tunduk, Refuse to submit. From the Anothology of Contemporary Music Far East compilation by Unexplained Sounds.
06.05.2024 deep motif.
A new show on grey clay, playing a selection of past motif show tracks for 2 hours, 3 times a week! See schedule page for more info.
06.05.2024 Gamhna Sa Cheo. Another superb release from Roslyn Steer added to the grey clay mix.
06.05.2024 Airwaves by Relay Station - the third and final part of this tryptich, constrcuted from radio wave sources. Released on Adventurous Music.
05.05.2024 A first batch of tracks from the incredible Adventurous Music 5th Anniversary album of collaborations, added to the mix.
05.05.2024 The Recognition Test #341
The latest show from Italy’s Unexplained Sounds Network. Sunday 5th May 9am & Thursday 9th May 11pm UK time.
Details on the schedule page
05.05.2024 Generative Wastelands 02 Saturday 4th May 2024 11pm and Monday 6th May 7pm UK time - the second beautiful monthly sound journey for grey clay by Thomas Park.
Details on the schedule page
05.05.2024 A cool vibe for your Sunday morning - TMLSSNSS by Thierry Arnal.
05.05.2024 Music For Complicated Times - the latest album from The Deep Bleed, just added to the mix. Released on Human Geography Recordings.
04.05.2024 From the brilliant INYAN, the new single, What Kind Of Plant Are You? for your chilled Saturday mood. Released on Adventurous Music.
04.05.2024 Adopt Robots - the cracking new album by WHYDARDII, just added to the mix!
04.05.2024 Yet another gem from the FORT EVIL FRUIT label: DK by Deli Kuvveti.
03.05.2024 The entire AM 5th Anniversary Album will play non-stop for 24 hours [00:00-24:00 UK time].
This incredible five and a half hour album contains 53 collaborations by over 70 experimental music artists from all over the world, produced exclusively for this release.
Happy Birthday Adventurous Music. Feel the love!
02.05.2024 bodai ossify - a haunting sonic poem from 2022 by mortier.
02.05.2024 From Oberlin, the dreamy drone album, Sunday Tunes, added to the mix.
01.05.2024 From the awesome compilation, 'Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East', vocal exercise by Gina Lo. Released on Unexplained Sounds.
01.05.2024 Selections from Roslyn Steer's gorgeous album, Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird; a response to the 1917 poem by Wallace Stevens of the same name. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
30.04.2024 Welcome Kazuya Ishigami to grey clay with this fascinating album, Just everyday life.
30.04.2024 Aether Pilot's wonderfully expansive and dark new album, Entropic added to the mix.
29.04.2024 A super-warm welcome to Dublin's Teishi-1 with this utterly superb electronic treat, Ghost. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
26.04.2024 From Aftervolter, the brilliant SA TIS MOL TIS NULL TIS (2022).
26.04.2024 Sleepy Fat Moon - a gorgeous Moog dream by Chunyang Yao.
25.04.2024 Carving Out Music From Noise by Schoeffler. Released on Broken Bottle Productions.
25.04.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Can we meet in San Diego? By Katy Coxwell. Released on Adventurous Music 08.04.2024
21.04.2024 The Recognition Test #340
A new show on grey clay radio from Italy’s Unexplained Sounds Network. Sunday 21st April 9am & Thursday 25th April 11pm UK time.
Details on the schedule page
21.04.2024 <1NTWRK single artist mix:
Imaginary Beings
Playing 9pm Sunday 21st April 2024 and 1am Thursday 25th March 2024 (BST)
Details on the schedule page.
21.04.2024 Released on Owlripper Records, Estranje, by Guru Bobol for your Sunday mood.
20.04.2024 Post-Immagini. A beautiful sound art release from Manuel Carbone and Sorta Opalka (et al)
18.04.2024 Stone Valley Days - a romantic and utterly cool 2021 release from Oberlin.
17.04.2024 the latest addition from the quiet details label: Seabuckthorn's this warm, this late.
16.04.2024 The Rendering. An abstract sonic exploration by Fletina, based on recordings made at Weymouth Harbour, UK.
15.04.2024 The delight that is AyuDAbuya by Chunyang Yao, Just added to the mix.
15.04.2024 HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY Adventurous Music! Check out the fabulous new album of exceptional collaborations, in celebration of this world class label's 5th year of awesomeness.
14.04.2024 Angel Breathe In Sighs, the darkly atmospheric new album by Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood.
13.04.2024 Following the INNER DEMONS RECORDS 20th Anniversary special feature on grey clay, all 5 mixes by Signalstoerung that played during the week are now available on Mixcloud here. Enjoy!
13.04.2024 The fascinating Theatre of Ampheng by Singapore's Irving Paul Pereira (aka Aftervolter) for your weekend pleasure!
13.04.2024 Again from the truly wonderful album, Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East, on the Unexplained Sounds label, another new artist for grey clay, Irving Paul Pereira's maybe there is a disco
12.04.2024 Invisible Wounds by Chunyang Yao added to the mix.
12.04.2024 From the incredible album, Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East, on the Unexplained Sounds label, this track by Chunyang Yao - Remnant.
11.04.2024 Just loving this track (02) from the album Café Carne by Ibiza Shock Troops. Released on Inner Demons Records.
11.04.2024 Made up to be playing the fabulous new album from Sermons by the Devil, Baptism of Desire.
10.04.2024 D2 - the next album by Chile's Ap Ducal to land at grey clay. Released by Weisskalt Records.
10.04.2024 Rehpic Llib - cheeky little number from late 2023 by the brilliant Hypnotic Transmissions that somehow slipped by me!
07.04.2024 The Recognition Test
A new show on grey clay radio from Italy’s Unexplained Sounds Group. Sunday 7th April 9am & Thursday 11th April 11pm UK time.
Details on the schedule page
Now available at
07.04.2024 Generative Wastelands
a new monthly show on grey clay by Thomas Park starting Saturday 6th April.
Saturdays 11pm and Mondays 7pm BST
Details on the schedule page
07.04.2024 Light Glider - the superb new track by Stefan Dowsing added to rthe mix. Currently exclusive to grey clay.
06.04.2024 ANAKRONISM 5
An utterly sublime new mix by Signalstoerung of new tracks on the Adventurous Music label.
Playing Fridays 7pm BST and Mondays 5am BST starting 5th April 2024.
See schedule page for track list.
06.04.2024 The brand new album by Jvox, Man is a Machine, just landed at grey clay! Released on Component Recordings.
06.04.2024 Lessons Long Learned by Mark Hjorthoy, added to the mix. (Also released by Pleasure Tapes)
05.04.2024 From the ever intriguing Lauré Lussier, Trans(Dis)figured Waltzes. Released on Adventurous Music.
05.04.2024 Another addition from Sam Quinn with this 2023 release, ~7.
04.04.2024 A fascinating new release from Guru Bobol, the entirely vocally generated TEOSYLE.
04.04.2024 We Are Going We Are Going We Are Gone - a contemplative journey by Oberlin.
03.04.2024 General Purpose Electronic Sound Vol 1 by WHI Reordings just added to the mix.
02.04.2024 Originally released on tape in 1987, Al-Azif by Capricorni Pneumatici was recorded in an underground location containing a group of vitrified cement tanks. Released on Eigth Tower Records.
31.03.2024 Delighted to add more work by Marla Van Horn to the mix with the 2023 EP release, STILLNESS.
30.03.2024 This Atrocious Nursery by Fencepost added to the mix. Released on Inner Demons Records
29.03.2024 FEATURED ALBUM:
!Habesi - Instrumental by Mntana Wexhwele. Released 08.03.2024
29.03.2024 In honour of the recently discovered comet, Nishimura by Fabio Keiner. Released on Adventurous Music.
28.03.2024 The latest release from Adventurous Music, Lauter Rhythmus by the brilliant Francis Théberge & Axophobe.
27.03.2024 D1 -Another wonderful album by Ap Ducal added to the mix. Released on Weisskalt Records.
26.03.2024 Surfaces by Thierry Arnal added to the mix. Released on Adventurous Music.
25.03.2024 General Purpose Electronic Sound Vol 2 from WHI Recordings just added to the mix.
18.03.2024 A Small Quagmire by Thrill Behind Barks, an experimental project based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. Released on Human Geography Recordings.
21.03.2024 Oberlin's Cold Harbour just added to the mix. Released on Adventurous Music.
21.03.2024 The Stars That Burn Loudly by The Deep Bleed. Released on Kalamine Records.
20.03.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Hypnotic by Alinovsky and Tetsuroh Konishi.
Released 08.03.2024
on Off Records
20.03.2024 Ian Hawgood and James Murray, here as Slow Reels. Their 3rd album, out today, Everyday Exotic. Released on quiet details.
19.03.2024 An '...auditory journey through the liminal spaces of both the physical and psychic realms.' A space between planes (building 212) from Between Planes by Vyormouth. Released on ZERO K.
19.03.2024 A glimpse of an unsteady soul, jagged and distorted, being dissolved by a poisonous world. Music For Nothing by Giacomo Vanelli. Released on okla records.
19.03.2024 Tracks from μασχαλισμός by μασχαλισμός (meaning to teat limb from limb, eg Orpeus and the maenads)added to the mix. Released on Inner Demons Records
18.03.2024 My Mother Was Science Fiction is the first full length album from Mosaic Runes, released on Weisskalt Records.
18.03.2024 Hidden Canals by Conducive. Four abstract soundscapes inspired by French cinema & literature, and the dark shadowy places located within the busy highly-populated urban environments located all around Europe. Released on V33 Records.
18.03.2024 The Numbers, by wife and husband duo Juice Machine, just added to the mix. Released on Inner Demons Records.
17.03.2024 Meaning the fear of loud sounds, Ligyrophobia by Chantelle Gray.
17.03.2024 From Sam Quinn, the fabulous journey that is, Transcribes.
17.03.2024 General Purpose Electronic Sound Vol 3 by WHI Recordings (aka Secret Nuclear)just added to the mix. (Vols 1&2 coming soon)
17.03.2024 Courtesy of the okla record label, Plasticene by Wound, for your Sunday delight.
15.03.2024 Sense Routines by Collision Objects explores the relationship between rhythmanalysis and the routine metrics recorded by wearable fitness trackers. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
14.03.2024 From The Unexplained Sounds Group, A Touch of Despair by The Tapes.
14.03.2024 From the Weisskalt label Signal/Prompt by Mosaic Runes.
14.03.2024 Fabio Keiner’s journey into the world in between was inspired by the ancient Greek orphic hymns, more precisely by the Hymn to Melinoe. Released on der kleine grüne Würfel
14.03.2024 Another warm welcome, this time to Mark Hjorthoy, aka The Deep Bleed with the first of several albums and EPs coming to the station, Machines That Search For God. Released on Inner Demons Records.
13.03.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Panopticon by Grey Frequency. Released on Human Geography Recordings 01.03.2024
See Featured Albums for more.
13.03.2024 On okla records, the intriguing sonic journey, Submarine by Adam Howse.
13.03.2024 Another very warm welcome, to Ap Ducal and Weisskalt Records with the subtly psychedlic album, U
13.03.2024 From the brilliant Chantelle Gray, Losing My Way '...tries to imagine what it would feel like to have magnetoreception interference.' Exceptional!
13.03.2024 Welcome to Secret Nuclear and WHI recordings with this superb tour de force, The Closed Circuit.
12.03.2024 A very warm welcome to SONOLOGYST with the album Shortwave Spectrum.
12.03.2024 Oberlin's incredibly beautiful Invierno, just added to the mix. Released on Lontano Series.
12.03.2024 Tracks from Railwave by Matthew Greasley just added. Released on Uncle Bob's Records.
11.03.2024 The latest <1NTWRK guest mix: Reclamation04 is now available in the grey clay Mixcloud page. Definitely a classic <1 mix - not to be missed!
11.03.2024 A very warm welcome to Milan's P.U.M.A with this superb new album, Red Winter. Released on Reverse Alignment.
11.03.2024 From Evil Smells Oil, the track Looming Shadows of the Past by Platonoff just added to the mix. Released on Inner Demons Records.
11.03.2024 Terminal Optimism's Lynchian Times - hot off the press and currently exclusive to grey clay radio.
10.03.2024 The latest from the consistently brilliant Relay Station - Ground Waves. Released on Adventurous Music.
09.03.2024 Some more 16bard for the mix today with this release from 2023, interpreting the colour £f26a7e
09.03.2024 'The rip of a tear in its eye. The Universe blinks' The latest release from Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood - Ghost Chapel.
08.03.2024 Another album by Klerks of Bedessea - Transmissions added to the mix.
07.03.2024 The next addition from the brilliant Niacinamide, The Last Light Spoken (Hot Fuzz).
07.03.2024 Based on the film or the book by Poe, Autumn in the House of Usher, by Eli Wallis. Released on Inner Demons Records.
06.03.2024 Welcome to Germany's Oberlin with this 2024 release Laudanum, inspired by the legendary meeting of Byron, Mary and Percy Shelley and Dr. Polidori in the Villa Diodati at Lake Geneva.
06.03.2024 The latest release from RDKPL on Inner Demons Records, noitavoNC
05.03.2024 Gas Mask Replicant by Matthew Greasley, just added to the mix. Released on Uncle Bob's Records.
05.03.2024 The latest from Fail - the interestingly titled, Unfortunate Things. On Inner Demons Records.
04.03.2024 The next addition from the IDR label, Fabio Keiner's Battle Hymn, inspired by the song by Julia Ward Howe.
04.03.2024 The superb collab between Conducive and Fletina, Remedial Noisescapes, just added to the mix.
03.03.2024 Viral Tarot 24.02 is the first part of an 'aural' tarot by ∞ and the Eugene Difficult Music Ensemble that will be added to over the year. Released by The Museum of Viral Memory.
03.03.2024 Pelléas & Mélisande by Lauré Lussier is an interpretation of the play by Maurice Maeterlinck. This is an adventure for the senses! Rightly released on Adventurous Music.
02.03.2024 In the last of 3 individual track additions today, the beautiful Phenomenon, by Stefan Dowsing.
02.03.2024 Another addition from Sam Quinn with this excellent track, cosmiko.
02.03.2024 The live performamance by Flux-us from the last Breeze Block Beats, Echoes of Hostility.
01.03.2024 When The Marks Leave Scars - the hauntingly atmospheric album by Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood. Just added to the mix.
01.03.2024 ANAKRONISM 4 - the stunnning new mix by Signalstoerung of new tracks from the Adventurous Music label.
Playing Fridays 6pm GMT and Mondays 5am GMT starting 1st March 2024.
29.02.2024 A very warm welcome to Klerks of Bedessea with this epic album, The Kraken of Bede.
29.02.2024 FEATURED ALBUM:
A Voicenote to the Hierophant
Released 29.02.2024 on Ryu Recordings
28.02.2024 modal operandi - the wonderful new processed field recording based album by Ian Boddy. On quiet details.
27.02.2024 Tracks from the album Fieldwork by Matthew Greasley, just added to the mix. Released on Uncle Bob's Records
27.02.2024 The latest release from Sam Quinn - Wormhole - for your mycelial pleasure!
26.02.2024 Mais les Morts Auront le Wifi.An industrial electronic delight by Mig Inc. On Inner Demons Records.
26.02.2024 The new <1NTWRK guest DJ single artist mix featuring OTP. Now playing 9pm [GMT] Sundays and 1am [GMT] Thursdays. Also available to hear on the GCR Mixcloud site.
26.02.2024 A gorgeous sweeping industrial sound bath: The End Of Everything by Noise Hangover.
26.02.2024 The first of 3 additions from the Inner Demons Records label today: The Inability To Be Happy by the incomperable Andreas Davids.
25.02.2024 A beautiful mood for your Sunday pleasure, KENOPSIA by Ira Hadžić and Cedrik Fermont. Released on Syrphe.
24.02.2024 To coincide with the full moon today - a grey clay excusive from Hendekagon - Full Moon Sonata.
23.02.2024 A superb new collab release on Inner Demons Records; Jon Watkins & Fail - Reflections on Art and AI
23.02.2024 Another track from Katy Coxwell - Circuits - added to the mix.
22.02.2024 The next addition from Niacinamide - Time and Silence. Released on arrhythNia
21.02.2024 A majestic 2019 album from Collision Objects - Human Geography. Released on Solid Tapes.
20.02.2024 Hello Niacinaamide! The first of a set of superb recent releases coming to grey clay: Ballroom Conservatory EP
19.02.2024 Welcome to Schoeffler on grey clay with this serene album, Igrabil.
18.02.2024 The wonderfully atmospheric Sonorystyka No.1 by Dream House Ensemble (Iranian music composers, Nader Mashayekhi, Ali Radman and Idin Samimi Mofakham) Released on Noise à Noise.
17.02.2024 A beautiful minimalistic electronic feast, False Modernity, by INYAN and Manuel Carbone (including remixes by Francis Théberge, Signalstoerung and T. Čelet) Released on Adventurous Music.
17.02.2024 From Kraków, Kamil Kukla with the excellent album, Double Cry. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
16.02.2024 A taster for an album coming soon, Tantric by Alinovsky and Tetsuroh Konishi is a wonder to behold!
16.02.2024 If Imitation Is the Highest Form Of Flattery, What Is It When I Try to Recreate My Own Past Performance? A reproduction of a live set by Fail from a performance at Apartment Music 48. Released on Inner Demons Records. (Original performance
14.02.2024 FEATURED 'ALBUM': GAS ORGAN by Lou Smith. See Featured Albums for more info.
14.02.2024 Tracks from Rauppwar's recent release, Hangar 0024 just added to the mix.
13.02.2024 A warm welcome to artist and field recorder, Lou Smith, with this series of epic soundscape field recordings, exclusive to grey clay, of frog mating calls in a South London pond complete with sirens, heavy rain, dogs, planes, traffic and a fox who falls in the pond mid-recording!
13.02.2024 Welcome to the industrial delights of Merrye Syndrome by Polivoks, inspired by the 1967 film, Spider Baby.
12.02.2024 BioBinary_Exp by France's Thanato Twist and Oleg's Sound System. An intriguing long form piece from 2019, released on eg0cide productions.
11.02.2024 Reclamation 03 - the latest awesome guest DJ set by <1NTWRK. Going out tonight, 9pm GMT.
11.02.2024 A gorgeous debut on grey clay from Katy Coxwell - The Great Washed.
11.02.2024 Visions by Hypnotic Transmissions. A story about someone who gets glimpses about the upcoming events for humanity...
10.02.2024 Pool Adjacent: 4 tracks of unpredictable electronic joy by Collision Objects just added to the mix.
09.02.2024 ANAKRONISM 3 the brand new set by Signalstoerung of new and yet-to-be-released music on the Adventurous Music label.
09.02.2024 Circular Motion the beautiful new EP release by Hendekagon on Adventurous Music.
08.02.2024 From the Tokyo underground music scene, September Sessions At The TEN by ni/s. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
07.02.2024 From the London based art collective Knitted Tongues, the debut release For Pierre just added to the mix.
07.02.2024 Released today on quiet details, if all will be lost by maps and diagrams
06.02.2024 Another long form soundscape from Fletina - From What's Gathered.
05.02.2024 A fascinating experimental 2020 outing from fencepost - Orchestrina. Released on Eg0cide Productions.
04.02.2024 More dark delight from Rauppwar with this second addition to the schedule, Space.
03.02.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Ghost Circuits Menlo by The Cube of Unknowing. See 'Featured Albums' for more info.
Playing daily at 5pm GMT
02.02.2024 There Is No Freedom by Hendekagon featuring the voices of the legendary Kate Bosworth and Thedi. Released on Human geographt Recordings.
01.02.2024 3 wonderfully immersive soundscape pieces by Conducive - Modern Prophecy. Released on V33 Records.
31.01.2024 The next addition to the grey clay schedule from French experimental musician, Nicolas Tourney. Music for Piano - 12 electroacoustic drone pieces. Extraordinary! Released on Eg0cide Productions.
31.01.2024 The latest release from Vorval, two long form soundscapes entitled, Judden.
30.01.2024 Summon (Live at the NCH) by David Donohoe, just added to the mix. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
29.01.2024 STRUCTURES by the Berlin based sound artist, Fritz Gessler, just added to the mix
28.01.2024 <1NTWRK single artist mix: POLIVOKS Playing 9pm Sundays and 1am Thursday (GMT). See schedule page for details. The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
27.01.2024 Welcome to TEMBER Ensemble and the Noise à Noise label in Berlin showcasing experimental Iranian work. This album: Moers Journey.
26.01.2024 Another superb album from Collision Objects - Practice & Theory. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT
25.01.2024 The next addition from Hamburg's David Wallraf - Inconvenient. Released on Industrial Coast.
25.01.2024 asempt by OTP - a collab between <1 and otepsia using just stems made available by Autechre. Released on eg0cide productions.
24.01.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: (Well it's not an actual album it's a grey clay selection) by William Henry Meung. I'm a big snowman liar! Enjoy!
24.01.2024 Artist in Residence: 16bard. Starting today 24th January 2024 at 12:00 and 23:00 GMT, and updated weekly on Wednesdays.
24.01.2024 Following the brilliant <1NTWRK guest DJ mix featuring Rauppwar, I am delighted to add the album ############################## to the mix today.
23.01.2024 So excited to be bringing you 18 tracks by Aotearoa's wonderful William Henry Meung et al. Enjoy!
23.01.2024 The brilliant Oscillator Suite by Neil O'Connor. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
23.01.2024 Darling Zero by the poet and musician, DARDIS. Just added to the mix. Released on Adventurous Music
22.01.2024 A gorgeously pagan feeling addition to the mix today: The Ceremony by Anastasia Vronsky. Released on Eg0cide Productions.
21.01.2024 The latest album from the awesome Spukkopf - You Are What's Eating You, just added to the mix.
21.01.2024 Cavaglia by Violeta Vicci, a beautiful, subtly experimental environmental reflection inspired by an alpine valley. Released on Fabrique Records.
20.01.2024 Anna Clock's wonderful Umbra just added to the mix. Released on FORT EVIL FRUIT
18.01.2024 EYE-EYE_-II-_IMMORTAL INFLUENCE - the debut album by the brilliant BMH added to the mix. Released on Colander.
17.01.2024 the first quiet details release of 2024, out today the ambient delights of Lapis by zaké.
16.01.2024 The Commune of Nightmares - the new album by David Wallraf - is 'a tapeloop-based musical game of cadavre exquis, a technique developed by surrealist artists.' Released on Karlrecords.
15.01.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Gloucester by Nicolas Tourney. See 'Featured Albums' for more info. Released on Eg0cide Productions.
Playing daily at 5pm GMT
15.01.2024 <1NTWRK guest DJ mix
Playing 9pm Sunday 14th Jan 2024 and Thursday 18th Jan 2024 (GMT)
Details on the schedule page
15.01.2024 Another gem from the FORT EVIL FRUIT label, Collision Objects - Tantrums 2019-2023. Drawing inspiration from trauma-dumping and toxic situationships.
14.01.2024 NEMA by Nina Kardec is a concept album about a new pagan mythology in which old gods and goddesses find their way to a source that takes the form of a primal divinity called Kahaa. Released on Eg0cide Productions.
ANAKRONISM 2 the new set by Signalstoerung of music on the Adventurous Music label, including unreleased tracks.
Playing Fridays 6pm GMT and Mondays 5am GMT starting 12th January 2024.
See schedule page for track list.
12.01.2024 The second addition to the schedule from the awesome FORT EVIL FRUIT label, Stylianos Ou's Rififi Ston Epitafio (An Oral History of Extinction)
11.01.2024 A subtle and intriguing new soundscape from Fletina; Pocket of Air, just added to the mix.
10.01.2024 a wonderful long form soundpiece caper by David Dellacroce, The Ghostly Pedalboard. For all your horrifying holidays!
08.01.2024 Fear of Nature - the new album by DISORGANISM, released today on Adventurous Music.
08.01.2024 FEATURED ALBUM: Ushi no koku mairi by Fabio Keiner & Ryo Utasato. See Featured Albums for more info.
(Released on Eg0cide Productions Playing daily at 5pm GMT
07.01.2024 Lithopedion by Deboniare Toast. 'Sometimes the darkness within us festers and must be birthed into the world in order to have any peace within'
05.01.2024 Earth Drone by The Owl. A beautiful drone EP to 'disappear inside'. Originally released on the Winter Solstice 2023, by Adventurous Music.
04.01.2024 Global Makeshift Wounds - a glorious tension between escape and everyday existence, played out in airport ambience - by Conducive, just added to the mix.
02.01.2024 motif#2 NIGHT - the second guest DJ mix by Dogs versus Shadows featuring all original work by 11 artists. See schedule page for tracklist and further details.
03.01.2024 Another awesome album by Dogs versus Shadows for your Wednesday listening pleasure: Border Slash Border - 'inspired by places where borders collide, liminal spaces and unclear boundaries.'
02.01.2024 ADDENDUM - the last full album from wilt, released in 2023 by Broken Bottle Productions.
01.01.2024 DRONESIDES by TKHDS - greiving soul of cement - a couple of lovely industrial drone tracks for you to start the new year!
31.12.2023 The latest guest DJ mix from <1NTWRK - a single artist set featuring work by RAUPPWAR. Details on the schedule page.
31.12.2023 Causal EP - another intricately constructed soundscape from Fletina.
30.12.2023 Featured album: The darkly brilliant Impulses by New York's Hypnotic Transmissions.
29.12.2023 Delighted to introduce Debonaire Toast to the GCR world with this superb album Epiphania
26.12.2023 Two superb long-form tracks from the ever-brilliant wilt. SPUME - just added to the mix
24.12.2023 INYAN & Hendekagon's beautiful, delicate, Cicles, just added to the mix. Enjoy!
23.12.2023 The latest surging album release from Hypnotic Transmissions, Journey Into The Forest, just added.
22.12.2023 A warm welcome to UK sound artist, Conducive with their album, Vanterwood Industries, Inc. Released on veinte33 records.
21.12.2023 Blanket Topography by Sunken Lanes. The latest featured album on grey clay radio.
Released on Aural Films.
20.12.2023 So excited to be adding Sermons By The Devil's latest album, Chemical Film, to the mix
19.12.2023 A gorgeous album from 2020 by Dogs versus Shadows, I Want To Be Laid To Rest In A Substation, just added to the mix
18.12.2023 Two beautiful new tracks by Мои Спутники Земли, under the mini-EP title,10000 искусственных солнц, just added to the mix.
17.12.2023 <1NTWRK Reclamation - 01, the second show from the <1 label. 9pm GMT. Now on the GCR Mixcloud site.
14.12.2023 Released on Adventurous Music, Lauré Lussier's incredible Le Valseur de Bois. Featured album of the week.
13.12.2023 The final quiet details release of the year is Cat Tyson Hughes' calm and gently beautiful, Roses in the Casement Window.
12.12.2023 a magnificent long-form piece by 16bard + ∞ from the album, Symphony #c46ca0, released by The Museum of Viral Memory.
11.12.2023 The total gem of an album- cloakscapes by Dogs versus Shadows, just added to the mix.
10.12.2023 The latest guest DJ show to be added to the GCR schedule - ANAKRONISM by Signalstoerung, playing a beautiful, brooding mix of released and unreleased tracks from the Adventurous Music label. Mondays 5am, Fridays 6pm GMT starting 11.12.2023.
09.12.2023 The incredible Live at FSK-HH by Ukraine's .at/on, recorded in Hamburg this year, just added to the mix. Released on Adventurous Music.
08.12.2023 Fletina's latest release, The Given Moment. Two detailed and beautifully structured sound environments, released on FORT EVIL FRUIT.
07.12.2023 Two beautiful tracks from the latest Tukhadus album, from five eleven til forever, just added to the mix.
06.12.2023 the latest, and completely wonderful, album by wilt, FRACTI has just arrived the very first to play through in entirety in the new FEATURED ALBUM slot, 5pm GMT daily.
04.12.2023 Just added, the subtle field recording based soundscapes of UK artist, Fletina. Starting with the album, Larkfield Sound Experiment.
03.12.2023 For all you somnambulists! Insomnia/Noctambule by Francis Théberge and Axophobe with remixes by Manuel Carbone, INYAN, T.Čelet and Hendekagon.
03.12.2023 Tonight, 9pm GMT the first bimonthly guest DJ slot from <1NTWRK featuring a mix by The Creeping Man. Repeated Thursdays 1am GMT. See schedule for details.
02.12.2023 The 4th (and final?) addition to this crucial Off records remix project, Apoptose 4. Just landed.
01.12.2023 Delighted to introduce a fascinating new sound project by UK artist Vorval, commencing with the track, Akla.
25.11.2023 Another gorgeous release from Tukhadus - Commotion.
'Noise is around us constantly, the euphoria is hidden under.'
23.11.2023. Tracks from Local Decoy Unit by Dogs versus Shadows just added to the mix.
23.11.2023. Tracks from Local Decoy Unit by Dogs versus Shadows just added to the mix.
21.11.2023 TONIGHT 9pm GMT the first Motif guest DJ show by Dogs versus Shadows, exclusively for grey clay radio. See schedule for details and repeat times.
21.11.2023 From Finland's Tukhadus, the swirling, evoctive single, eloonjäänyt maisema.
20.11.2023 The new album, IMMOLATE by the consistently brilliant wilt just added to the mix. Released on the equally stellar Broken Bottle Productions.
19.11.2023 The Urge to remain, Dogs versus Shadows' latest beautiful full-length release, just added to the mix.
17.11.2023 From the Off record label, the cool spaced sound of Lark Wool by Lark Wool.
16.11.2023 Payta's latest release, the organic, driving, utterly brilliant, Embracing the quiet goodbye, just added to the mix.
16.11.2023 On Insta today
Volume 3 in the Jaycock/Burge series, on Human Geography Recordings. This excerpt: the phenomenally epic track, ‘a complex whole’.
15.11.2023 On Insta today
Ghost Stories - a deliciously dark album recently released on Dustopian Frequencies and featuring BMH, Megalithic Transport Network, The Holocene and (playing here) Everyday Dust.
15.11.2023 Out today on quiet details, Onde Sinusoïdale Et Bande Magnétique by Tape Loop Orchestra.
14.11.2023 Symbols by Selfish Limbs is a fascinating idea and sound, made entirely from 5 different cymbals. Released on Adventurous Music.
14.11.2023 Today, I need the sound of Mila Cloud to make sense of things, so that's why it's today's Insta post. This beautiful track is called Sweet Mommy and is from her album, Long Way Back From The Familiar Place We've Never Been To, which was released in September this year.
13.11.2023 Insta reel. If you haven’t listened to this album I thoroughly thoroughly recommend you do. IOXIO by Pietro Zollo would be one of my top 10 albums of 2023. Just consistently improbable, beautiful and intriguing. Released on Adventurous Music.
12.11.2023 Today’s Insta treat: an excerpt from the track, ‘Electrodynamics’ by the brilliant 16bard taken from the album, Introduction to Electrodynamics, inspired by the textbook of the same name by David J Griffiths. Released on <1
12.11.2023 Another cracking Dogs versus Shadows album just added to the mix. Disappear into Documentarist!
11.11.2023 On the grey clay Instagram today, a slice of the brilliant slow_the_tape. This is ‘every memory is turned over and over again’ from the latest album a quiet remainder of the day. Enjoy!
11.11.2023 Made up to be playing Grey Frequency's latest incredible release, time and place. Out on Preston Capes.
10.11.2023 From Dogs versus Shadows, the stellar album, Daughter of Radium, just added to the mix!
10.11.2023 On Instagram today, from the warmly coiled album, Wire by Don Haugen, an excerpt from Wire I.
09.11.2023 On the Insta today -the superb AGALMA ISLE - playing an excerpt from ‘Dawn Walker’ from the album, Holds.
08.11.2023 Manuel Carbone's fabulous live set from the Relatives Schoensein 2 launch event in Leipzig (21.10.2023) Released on Adventurous Music.
07.11.2023 Delighted to be playing the new single by vacant possession - un_titled vier.
06.11.2023 Released last Friday, Apoptose 3 by various artists on the Off record label.Just added to the mix.
06.11.2023 So amazing to see the release of Welcome to Gaza by divergent artists including numerous grey clay regulars, on the <1 label in aid of the Red Cross in Israel and Gaza.
05.11.2023 Another very excellent Breeze Block Beats event last night in Frome at the Crown Inn. Huge respect to Stuart and Andrew for putting it on; Patrick for the visuals, plus artists:
Frome Moog Coop
Terminal Optimism
Kung-Fu Jesus
04.11.2023 The 4th Relay Station album, the rarified, meditative 'Carrier Waves'. Released on Adventurous Music.
03.11.2023 On Insta today -AXIOME. On the supreme Syrphe Records label, RMX (by Aluviana). Playing an excerpt from the track, Axiome 365 Météore (lost in a tunnel mix).
03.11.2023 Apoptose 2 - The second in the superb compilation series just added to the mix. Released on Off.
03.11.2023 A Short Dream About Jupiter by Euan Dalgarno just landed. Released on Not Yet Remembered Records.
02.11.2023 The Insta posts are back! Today, an excerpt from the haunting ‘Parçalama’ by Sandra Zanetti.
02.11.2023 Jaycock/Burge - Vol 3 Systems. The superb third volume, released on Human Geography.
01.11.2023 Another soaringly beautiful release from LAST EDEN - Elysian Plain just added to the mix.
31.10.2023 From the Off record label, the first of 4 wonderful compilations titled Apoptose.
30.10.2023 Lednik Frontier's epic new split with Pavel Kozenkov just added to the mix. Released on <1.
29.10.2023 out on Mixcloud today, the superb <1 guest mix by Quatrefoil for Beware! The Radio, featuring numerous grey clay artists. Go get.
28.10.2023 INYAN's fabulous DJ set from the Relatives Schoensein 2 launch at Aquarium, Leipzig earlier this month. Out on Mixcloud.
27.10.2023 a very warm welcome to LAST EDEN with this incredible album, In Earth.Lose yourself!
25.10.2023 The new GoS tees just landed!
25.10.2023 The new GoS tees just landed!
25.10.2023 The new GoS tees just landed!
25.10.2023 The new 'toad away' windscreen sticker now in.
24.10.2023 Fuck Yeah, Goth (I'm Not A Papercup remix) by ∞ just added to the mix. Released on Museum of Viral Memory.
24.10.2023 Glad You're Not Here by payta just added.
24.10.2023 A very warm welcome to Cei Hill. Playing two excellent releases, PANORAMA and SURFACE STUDIES II
23.10.2023 Solar Symphonies - payta's recent dynamic and emotional live performance at Dareshack, Bristol, arrives at grey clay.