[see toadworld page for a map of standard world time zone adjustments]
Selections from the full, smooth, velvety grey clay archive.
Selections from the most newly added work in the past TWO WEEKS. Added to pretty much every day.
An extended 2 hour mix of the most fascinating, moving and utterly delectable sounds to hit grey clay in the last two weeks.
Playing Saturday 21st December (Yule!) 1pm (UK time) then repeated Mondays 1am and Thursdays 9am (also UK time)
Track List (time, artist, track, album, link)
Just For You
Your Guilty Conscience
Prepare Your AK47!
Pleistocene Megafauna
Electric Entrails
Session 46
Low Rules The High
Hypnotic Transmissions
Tinkering With Time
Beneath The Surface
Grey Clouds Over Ramsgate
A Random sequence Of Events
Headset and Settings
Kῦμα and Disorganism
Warm, Held, Woken
Upon Waking
Human Chromatography
Eugene, Leipzig, Varaždin, Frome
Black Hair Rolled In Dried Blood
Loser Than Before Or Ever
Paper Sunset
Guru Bobol
Quiet rage
Obscured instinct and the pale Folklore
Schwarzer Tag
contrafact IV
Simon McCorry
I The Storm
Mati Pirsztuk
Fractal Bodies
The Weather Project
Singing Stones (Volume 1)
Passepartout Duo
Epigram II
Elemental I
Drone Islands I/II/III
The Inexplicable Iceberg Blue (part 1)
The Inexplicable Iceberg Blue EP
Miss Canine Hoe
Phase 1
Colonial Skyway
Evening on Earth
Undiscovered Area
Steven Ray
A Knife Into Flowers
Roslyn Steer
An Fálródaí (d'ATT)
An Fálródaí (d'ATT)
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The show will be available on the GCR Mixcloud after first broadcast.
New Guest Mix by AFTERVOLTER
From Irving Paul Pereira (aka AFTERVOLTER)a special mix of his upcoming release CRYOGENIA-ECOISIS. Playing Thursday 12th December 5am and 12 noon (UK times). Repeated weekly.
The nest awakens in the astral field of the rhizome of Kronos ( that supernatural corridor that connects disparate space time continuums)
They sense new blood in their old, poisoned bodies. They know they are now in a vastly different reality, orbit, and frequency domain.
The blind one called jhon, was the first to acknowledge this shift. “We’re in the house of Ecoisis, from 2021, and there’s the breath from the caverns of ing vir, from a year later. The ritual systems and their time attendants are merging.”
V otogoya, leukemia struck, oracle of the nest, was the first to acknowledge savina. “The girl from the timeless sea, she drifts as the nightingale from the city of CYTOXCIS, year 2103. She walks among the QĪĪLŌPTH ŞĮX, putting together the MEMORY terrains we have yet to terraform in our minds. They are remembering us, even though we have not yet reached their time…
The doomed sister, witch mother, J otogoya, attunes the cryogenia modulators, calling forth drone consciousness, time stretched sentient verbalizations, insectoid-gardens cascading birth signa.
She is the oldest of the three. She knows they are gestating. Taking root in ‘unknown mysterium.’
They surrender to the trajectories. They surrender to the process of CRYOGENIA
Album releases 12/12/2024
In December...
PROTOTYPING 40 years of one of a kind making
(Part 2 of 3.) Continuing the special feature on the music of Oliver Schoeffler, spanning the last 4 decades.
Playing Saturdays 3am and Thursdays 7pm UK time. Starting 05.12.2024
Now released by Broken Bottle Productions.
Informations: (Deutsch/English)
by Oliver Schoeffler
Prototyping Part 2 “40 years of one of a kind making”
Der zweite Teil ist geprägt davon das mehr Rhytmen vorhanden sind und ich das Equipment sicherer einsetzen konnte.
Die vielen Teile mit dem Titel “Imparo” sind ein Hinweis darauf das ich mit dem Setup viele Improvisationen gemacht habe,
die mich immer wieder auf neue Ideen gebracht haben.Auch ist deutlich zu hören das ich immer wieder versuchte die Welt um mich herum
zu verstehen.
Prototyping Part 2 "40 years of one of a kind making"
The second part is characterized by the fact that there are more rhythms and I was able to use the equipment more safely.
The many parts with the title "Imparo" are an indication that I have made a lot of improvisations with the setup, which have always given me new ideas.
It is also clear to hear that I tried again and again to understand the world.
Track-List Total 70:25
1) Going Bad
Es geht um Beziehungen. Jemand zu sein der man nicht ist.
It's about relationships. To be someone you only pretend to be.
2) Plingatmo
Kurze Sequenz /Textur
Short Sequence / Texture
3) Imparo6
Mein Setup war geschaffen dafür mit wenigen Handgriffen, Klangkaskaden zu erschaffen.
My setup was build to create sound cascades in just a few simple steps.
4) Blousy2
Dieser Bules ist beeinflusst von dem Sound der Residents zur Zeitern der “Chubs and Moles”
This bules is influenced by the sound of the residents at the time of the "Chubs and Moles"
5) Motel de Rupture
Imparo7 Reworked als Kopfschmerz- Ballade für ein zerbrochenes Leben.
Imparo7 Reworked as a headache ballad for a broken life.
6) Glückenpühl
Das liebe Glockenspiel transzenditiert in einem Anflug von Größenwahn.
The dear glockenspiel transcends in a touch of megalomania.
7) Ingalog
Hier wieder, das Erzeugen von Texturen mittels triggern durch unregelmäßige Peaks.
Mit hörbare Größe in den Harmonien.
Here again, the creation of textures by triggering by irregular peaks. With audible greatness in the harmonies.
8) 2001
Der erste große Auftritt von neuem Equipment: Boss Dr Rythm, Universum Organ. Alles in der aufkommenden EBM- Manier.
The first big appearance of new equipment: Boss Dr Rythm, Universum Organ. All in the emerging EBM manner.
9) Seabirds
Loop Aktionen, gemacht aus Delphin- Samples.
Loop actions, made from dolphin samples.
10) Sansuto
Einer der Gründe warum ich den Boss Dr. Rythm kaufte war die programmierbare Triggerfunktion.
One of the reasons why I bought the Boss Dr. Rythm was the programmable trigger function.
11) Imparo
Es ist was es ist eine Session mit mir selbst. Ein hoch auf die 4- Spur Technik.
It is what it is: a session with myself. Cheers to the 4-track technology.
12) Imparo3
Auch hier eine Selbstsession, mit dem Unterschied der Improvisation auf ein bestimmtes Thema.
Again, a self-session, with the difference of improvisation on a certain theme.
13) It seems
Alles nur mit dem MS-20. Groß und warm.
All with the MS-20. Big and warm.
14) Mouth
Inspiriert durch die “Clapping Music”von Steve Reich. Hier Geräusche mit dem Mund im fluktuierendem Rhythmus.
Inspired by the "Clapping Music" of Steve Reich. Here noises with the mouth in a fluctuating rhythm.
15) Silent E
Ich war tief beeindruckt von dem Film “Quiet Earth” …sehr sehenswert.
I was deeply impressed by the film “Quiet Earth"... Very worth seeing.
16) Restwalz
Restwalz ist vielleicht, der Tanz den man hört bevor die Lichter ausgehen.
Remnant waltz is perhaps, the dance you hear before the lights go out.
17) Imparo4
Es ist eine apokalyptische Szene in der ausserirdische den Sieg über die Menschheit feiern.
It is an apocalyptic scene in which aliens celebrate the victory over humanity.
18) Imparo5
Flickern und Flackern in einer Session, die kein Ziel hat.
Flickering and flickering in a session that has no goal.
19) Sadly Naive
Großsartigkeit und Demut liegen so nah bei einander.
Greatness and humility are so close to each other.
20) Wörp
Der Name ist Programm., ein Schlingern im Zielanflug.
The name says it all., a lurch in the target approach.
21) Janus_Null
Wieder unser Held, der sich auf Reisen begibt. Er liebt die morgendlichen Nebelfelder am Bach…
Again our hero, who goes on a journey. He loves the morning fog fields by the stream...
22) Junglo
Es ist ein dröhnen und stampfen, wenn Gedanken keine passende Aktion finden.
It is a roar and stomp when thoughts do not find a suitable action.
23) Sidan Tack2
Das Zwielicht im Geäst. Der Zweifel im Kommenden.
The twilight in the branches. The doubt in the future.
24) Trigger to End
Der spannende Moment wenn ein System anfängt die eigene Energie als Antrieb zu nehmen.
The exciting moment when a system starts to use its own energy as a drive.
25) Short Story
Auch hier, die Beschäftigung mit der Art und Weise wie wir Beziehungen gestalten….oft unnötig fremd und unserem Wesen nicht angemessen.
Here, too, the preoccupation with the way we shape relationships....often unnecessarily foreign and not appropriate to our nature.
26) O´clock Morning
Versöhnliche Töne, der Glocken- Klang vom Korg 707 erninnerte mich an die Wohnzimmer Uhr meiner Oma.
Nur gute Gefühle.
Conciliatory tones, the bell sound of the Korg 707 reminded me of my grandmother's living room clock. Only good feelings.
<1NTWRK Guest DJ Mix
Reclamation 14
9pm Sunday 22nd December and 1am Thursday 26th December (UK time).
Your next reclamation treatment awaits you!!!
Track List:
Tracks 78-101- Vol.3 -
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The show will be available on the GCR Mixcloud after first broadcast.
Raffaele Pezzella’s
The Recognition Test - show #354
9am Sunday 15th December, repeated 11pm Thursday 19th December [UK time].
New releases from The Unexplained Sounds Group.
Track list
unearth noise - The Value Of A Tear
Antonin De Bemels - Rêverie Animasque
PureH – Polynya
david lee myers - asymmetrical journey
Loo(p)cy - Survived Melody
Kokum – Huldra
Kate Bosworth & Hendekagon - The Root Of Our Problems
MoCM & Schema Musicalis - drone Jam @ EMS Synthi 100
Mario Lino Stancati - Cielo Azzurro sotto l'orizzonte
Michael Grunditz - The lake
Sándor Vály, Sheik Abdullah Al Zaili – Adhan
Wednesday 11th December, 7pm & Tuesday 17th December 3am [UK times] then repeating same days and times on following weeks.
Greek artist Kostas Staikos (aka Substak)presents the third magnificent ANALYSIS show for grey clay.
Show #03 Track List
1.Cousin Silas - Strathclyde Refit
2.Ghosts Whisper Softly - Yellow Leaves
3.Peltiform - Reprise ft. Dissolved
4.HDRF - Overchurch (Isolation)
5.Kraut Sounds - Deep Forest Sounds
6.In Vitro - Dismnesias
7.Lavatone - All Contact Was Lost And The Starcraft Presumably Broke Apart
8.RinniR - Pathétique I
9.Burning Dervish - Copper Medic Variations: II. Confusion Technique
10.Ahrien - Iluatsitsilluarneq Aamma Pilluarneq
11.Darkstar83 - Dread in the Glitch
12.Scan Francisco - Himalaya Mantra
13.Nelly Quist - Biom
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The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
Generative Wastelands 09
Saturday 7th December 2024 11pm and Monday 9th December 7pm UK time. An especially fascinating episode of Thomas Park's investigation of seemingly abandoned places.
Repeated same days and times.
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The show is now available on the grey clay Mixcloud.
A swirling and atmospheric new mix by Signalstoerung featuring new sounds from artists on the Adventurous Music label. Playing 7pm Friday 6th December and 5am Monday 9th December (UK time) then repeated same days and times.
Track List
Ingrid N - Behind the Veil of Mystery
digitalsakura - 03_arktislied
Sunken Fence - Merisc I
Disorganism - Ishtar
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The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
THA_LAB.Transmission 4
Starting 9pm Monday 2nd December, UK time.
The fourth superb guest mix for grey clay by Thierry Arnal. Mondays, 9pm & Fridays 3am, UK time.
Simon Cacheux - Day Six
Arash Akbari - Glimmer
Francisco Meirino - Beyond Repair 03
Francisco Meirino - Beyond Repair 05
Simon Cacheux - Day One
Francisco Meirino - Beyond Repair 11
Arash Akbari - For The Stillness Of Watching The World Through Your Eyes
Simon Cacheux - Day Eight
Arash Akbari - Tomorrow's Daylight
Simon Cacheux
Francisco Meirino
Arash Akbari
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The show is now available on the grey clay Mixcloud.
Artist In Residence: 16bard.
Playing the latest weekly release in the Forsyth Sessions series at 12:00 and 23:00 UK time, Wednesdays
deep motif. playing a selection of past motif show tracks for 2 hours, 3 times a week!
DJ Dogs versus Shadows is making the tracks from the previous motif shows available to grey clay to play in this new playlist which will be added to each time a new show airs. The sheer quality of work that is submitted around the various monthly themes is just too good to not to play more regularly.
Starting 6th May 2024, deep motif will air: Mondays 11am-1pm; Wednesdays 5am-7am and Fridays 3pm-5pm, UK time.
(see toadworld page for a handy world time zones map)
motif#11 RUPTURE.
A really dark, dystopian motif show from Dogs versus Shadows, playing 9pm Tuesday 26th November & 1am Saturday 30th November [UK time]
Repeated same days and times for the next 4 weeks.
Track List
13 Inch Jesus - Haemorrhaging
British Misery - realising i had built a life around the lies you sold (O)
Bruno Bernard - brisures
Debonaire Toast - Lithopedion
Disorganism - you appear to have a hole in you
febrile - Torn Veil
Fritz Gessler - breaking bad
Infinity Room - Blackburn
K43DG3 - the collapse of apprehension
Linear North - widening gyre
Luiz Ser Eu - Stupid
Manuel Carbone - Untitled Track
Marla Van Horn & Tukhadus - Rupture
Mati Pirsztuk - Dreams Of Palm Trees
Matthew Greasley - linear
Pleistocene Megafauna - Corrupture
Schoeffler - Motel de Rupture
Secret Nuclear - Split Reverse Consolidate
Spukkopf - I Am Sudden Unsettle
Stefan Dowsing - Repair Valencia
Steven Ray - What Will My Dreams Bring Tonight
Substak - Dark Room
98 mins.
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The show is now available on the grey clay Mixcloud.