[see toadworld page for a map of standard world time zone adjustments]
Selections from the full, smooth, velvety grey clay archive.
Selections from the most newly added work in the past TWO WEEKS. Added to pretty much every day.
Thébru Čelet's mix of tracks from new additions to grey clay over the past 2 weeks.
Playing Saturday 18th January 1pm (UK time) then repeated Mondays 1am and Thursdays 9am (also UK time)
Track List (time, artist, track, album, link)
Stones and Woods
10th Annual Report - Anniversary Edition
Lucas Werenkraut - TRoneitor
Persecución. Captura. Ejecució
Degradación Irreversible
Miss Canine Hoe
Thomas Park
Ehu (with Gabe Raines)
Epic Wasteland Journey
■David Wallraf
B. 25.09.25 Sleep bites its tongue.1
Nightmare Cartography II
From The Void - Silicon Signals To A Dead Brain
Mademoiselle Marchand
Architecture III
The Interstellar Citadel
Music For Alien Temples
Absolute Zero
Colonial Skyway
Beyond The Tall Beacons
Nobody Anywhere
Francis Théberge
rituel d'automne sur fréquences nocturnes (micro-climat version)
Sombres Rêveurs
Down Chamber
[Transistor] In Transit
[Transistor] In Transit
Wil Bolton
The Owl And The Woodblock
South Of The Lake
Passepartout Duo
Part IV
Circo Pobre
Drone Islands I-II-III
Bruno Bernard
Pleistocene Megafauna
Session 101 - live At Music Workshop 09.11.24
1hr 42 mins
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The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
For January 2025...
Starting 09.01.2025
PROTOTYPING 3: 40 years of one of a kind making
(Part 3 of 3.) The final part of Oliver Schoeffler's retrospective, spanning the last 4 decades.
Playing Saturdays 3am and Thursdays 7pm UK time.
Now released by Broken Bottle Productions.
Prototyping Part 3 (Deutsch)
In diesem Teil sind wir zeitlich gesehen mitten in den 90ern.
Dieses Album ist geprägt von Klanglandschaften, Umgebungen, Bildern und Stimmungen.
Wie bei den beiden Teilen zuvor musste ich mit klanglichen Einschränkungen zurecht kommen und so manchen Track mit seinen Instrumenten erneuern oder gute Parts loopen.
Dabei sollte die ursprüngliche Stimmung erhalten bleiben…nach dem Motto: “ Was hätte ich damal gemacht mit den Möglichkeiten von Heute?”
Nun ist es ein schönes Werk geworden, das den Geist von Damals eingefangen hat.
Zu hören sind erste Kompositionen auf den “Mega ST” und das schon bekannte analoge Equipment.
MS20, CR78, Sequential TOM, Mono Poly, SK5, 707, M3r und viele Dinge die einfach Geräusche machen.
Prototyping Part 3 (English) In this part, we are in the middle of the 90s.
This album is characterized by soundscapes, environments, images and moods.
As with the two parts before, I had to deal with sonic limitations and renew some tracks with his instruments or loop good parts. The original mood was to be preserved... according to the motto: "What would I have done back then with the possibilities of today?" Now it has become a beautiful work that has captured the spirit of that time. The first compositions on the "Mega ST" and the already known analogue equipment can be heard. MS20, CR78, Sequential TOM, Mono Poly, SK5, 707, M3r and many things that just make noise.
Tracklist & Info (Deutsch/English)
1) 4Jo No.9
Ist ein Track mit einer 10er Sequenz, grummeln vom MS20, Sonnenstrahlen vom 707 und allem was in greifbarer Nähe lag.
It's a track with a sequence of 10, grumbling from the MS20, sunbeams from the 707 and everything that was within reach.
2) Neu Bauen
Eins der ersten komplett durchkomponierten Stücke. Damals mit dem Atari Mega ST und dem Programm Steinberg “Twelve” Alle Sounds kommen vom 707 (FM- Synthese) außer die Solostimme, die hat noch den MS20 im Signal- Prozessing.
One of the first completely through-composed pieces. Back then with the Atari Mega ST and the program Steinberg "Twelve" All sounds come from the 707 (FM synthesis) except the solo voice, which still has the MS20 in signal processing.
3) Shoeshine
Der Aufhänger ist ein SK5 Loop mit einem stetig fließend, gehenden Gefühl. eine kleine E- Piano Improvisation gestattet den Blick zur Seite.
The hanger is an SK5 loop with a steady, flowing, walking feeling. a small electric piano improvisation allows a view to the side.
4) Parallel
Ja, ich höre gern Jazz…und mein bestreben ist immer möglichst viel Leben in die Elektrokisten zu bekommen.
Yes, I like to listen to jazz... and my ambition is always to get as much life as possible into the electrical boxes.
5) Radio`s Landlife
Wenn mein Radio eine Person wäre…dann würde sich wohl die Welt für In so ungefähr anhören.
If my radio were a person... then the world would probably sound something like that for In.
6) Between
Im Zwielicht unklarer Gefühle, hat man die Chance mehr über sich zu erfahren als einem lieb ist.
In the twilight of unclear feelings, you have the chance to learn more about yourself than you would like.
7) Stepjoke (Treppenwitz)
CR78 at it´s best…voller Substanz und Anlass für ganze Klanggebäude!
CR78 at it ́s best... full of substance and occasion for entire sound buildings!
8) The Tempest
Viel Groove, viel Arbeit am Sound. Grundthema ist das Drama “The Tempest”
Ich habe es geliebt zu dem Groove zu Improvisieren. Erst Heute bekam es die Form die es brauchte.
A lot of groove, a lot of work on the sound. The basic theme is the drama "The Tempest" I loved improvising to the groove. Only today did it get the shape it needed.
9) Ambienzoo
Wir bewundern den zoologischen Garten voller ätherischer Wesen. Wesenheiten in Schaukästen, Energiefeldern und Phiolen. Glimmrnd, Gleißend, Flirrend und voller Wärme.
We admire the zoological garden full of ethereal beings. entities in showcases, energy fields and vials. Glowing, glistening, shimmering and full of warmth.
10) Radiolando
Mit einer “Whoooo- Welle” und einem defekten Mehrfach- Takter durch das Sternbild des Hammerhais.
With a "Whoooo wave" and a defective multi-stroker through the constellation of the hammerhead shark.
11) Waiting for
Ein Delay- Loop war die unwiederbringliche Inspiration von Ken- Multi.
A delay loop was the irretrievable inspiration of Ken-Multi.
12) Space Sess
Ja, auch der Blues verläuft sich gern in der Nacht. Wellenrauschen und und Vögel.
Yes, the blues also likes to get lost at night. Waves and birds.
13) Wingo
Cellophan- Knistern ist der Trigger für das Auf- und Ab der Klanghügel.
Cellophane crackling is the trigger for the rise and fall of the sound hills.
14) Rainy D
Tropfender Regen auf das Fensterbrett kann eine Rhythmus- Box zum schwärmen bringen. “Endlich frei!”
Dripping rain on the window sill can make a rhythm box go into raptures. "Free at last!"
15) Old Nanny Cumuls
Dieser Track ist eigentlich von “Home1” aber er ist zu schön um nur bei mir zu bleiben. Ein SK5- Rhythmuspreset triggert den Mono Poly mit viel Wind. Gitarren im Overdub, der MS20 liefert die Melodie, der Rest ist Geschichte.
This track is actually from "Home1" but it's too good to just stay with me. An SK5 Rhythm- Preset triggers the Mono Poly with a lot of wind. Guitars in overdub, the MS20 delivers the melody, the rest is history.
16) Everything is slow
Atem, Tiefe, Licht und Dunkel….lass dich fallen.
Breath, depth, light and dark....let yourself go.
17) Oblivion Autumn
Liebeskummer…mal wieder…mal wieder ein Trak gemacht den ich am meisten mag und höre.
Lovesickness... once again... once again made a Trak that I like and listen to the most.
Kῦμα Live - Henry's Dream
A grey clay radio special, featuring a single long form dark ambient live recording by Kῦμα entitled, Henry's Dream. Playing 11am Tuesdays and Sundays (UK time) commencing 14.01.2024.
Bristol's Kῦμα recorded this extraordinary piece on 01.12.24 using the following instruments:
1010 Music Blackbox
1010 Music Bluebox
Moog Minitaur
Make Noise Strega
Soma Labs Cosmos
Walrus Audio Slöer
TC Electronic Flashback 2
motif#12 TRANSIT.
9pm UK time, Tuesday 7th January 2025. Repeated Saturday 11th January 1am then same days and times throughout the month.
motif is back! A wondrous, inventive mix of original work by 20 artists, expertly spun by Dogs versus Shadows.
Track List
Intro music - dogs versus shadows - untitled
sunken-lanes - big_white_van
AFTERVOLTER- cyrriad_thresholds
Hypnotic_Transmissions - Breakdown
Matthew Greasley - Mission IV
Schoeffler - 16_Seconds
Spukkopf - Incidental Encounter
Malady of Knots - The punishment of Adriaen Adriaenzse t_Kint
Schwarzer Tag - Lydian Fields
SeÌraphituÌs-SeÌraphiÌta - Taken_to_Live_Amongst_the_Gods
Substak - Overdrive
leeg bezit - celestial first for curiosity
1hr 21 mins
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The show is now available on the grey clay Mixcloud.
Artist In Residence: 16bard.
Playing the latest weekly release in the Forsyth Sessions series at 12:00 and 23:00 UK time, Wednesdays.
Reclamation 15
9pm Sunday 19th January and 1am Thursday 23rd January (UK time).
Your next adventure in deep experimental sound from the <1 label.
Tracks 102-132 - Vol.3 -
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The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
The superb new mix by Signalstoerung to kick off the new year, featuring the latest and upcoming sounds from artists on the Adventurous Music label. Playing 7pm Friday 3rd January 2025 and 5am Monday 6th January 2025 (UK time) then repeated same days and times.
Track List
Substak - Click
Kilmarth & D-Fried - Substantia Nigra
Quatrefoil - Focus Group Representative Shares
AMC - 100
Thedi - Live at FSK-HH 2024 (excerpt)
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The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
The brand new mix by AFTERVOLTER (aka Irving Paul Pereira) of his new album, ξïdoloch.
Playing Thursday 16th January 5am and 12 noon (UK times). Repeated weekly.
A report by the fifth being of QIÏLŌPTH. City of CYTOXCIS,
At 0700 hours, on the 13th day of the year 2104. CYTOXCIIAN arch-medics lost contact with my psyche's signal during cycle 2 of my treatment for central nervous system deterioration.
In my disconnection and drift, sustained by some kind of mystical grace, I was brought by a great sentient train to a realm it called ξïdoloch, or zeitgeist of ‘the eight rooms’
I had become a child again, unsick, standing in a brutalist hall before a grey father figure whose body was full of static and hazy rhythmic blood movements. “This is mortier’s house”, I was told by a gnome who had become my guide in this alien realm.
There were other ‘machine nomes’ present; three footed, dwarf-like humanoids who spoke like arcade game machines. There was a vortex of signals and drunkenness, cartoonish and foolish forms turning into clusters of sounds.. They danced around the lanky, bald old man like disabled spiders.
The elder gave me crushed crystals to drink, to breathe, to taste. In their atomic structures were organic computer systems. The strange nomes cried into the powder on my fingers. I consumed and was taken through the eight rooms, as if simultaneously.
I don’t know how long I was away.
Everything was a blur of merged scenes and hypnagogic trance states and rituals.
I recall enchanted forests, I believe from my childhood dreams. There were scenes and sounds of war from other dreamers but without the bloodiness or violence. It was determined and victorious, as if the end of days, when The Lord arrives with thundering sword and white horse and fire that issues from His mouth.
There was carnage and celebration.
I then became an ancient book, crumbling pages that old people and children consumed for their skin conditions. My organs were projecting walls of sound that swept through gardens where the terminally ill were laid, then rose as the white noise carried them upwards.
There were naked and deformed people dancing in concrete rooms cast in blindness, bodies of light and flesh flickering to odd time signatures and battle drums and crackling pulses that broke black stones trapped in veins and hearts and intestines.
There were fairytale daydreams and mystical streams that lead me to impossible seas.
(after three days and three nights) The arch-doctors of CYTOXCIS could finally make contact with me. And I was brought back to waking state. I am still unsure if I'm happy, returning to this place. But my vitals have somehow improved, I can feel my fingers again, i can taste food again, something in me has changed.
I can feel the ‘noms’ climbing up and down my spine.
I can hear them giggling, dancing and Juggling sunlight.
I think i have brought a world back with me. Ξïdoloch. The Eight rooms. I turn to my brothers and sisters ofQIÏLŌPTH,watch them in their cryogenic chairs, somehow knowing they are each, in some way, one of the rooms, one of the worlds. \
A ‘list of events’ as carved into a rock on a hill, as witnessed by the fifth patient of QIÏLŌPTH during her ξïdoloch episode.
neuralis syndrome
nome comm
nome movf
nome trance
volome hunt
night animals feeding ampheng
nome passage
nome transit
nome comm II
nome ceremony
nome trance ii
cyrriad threshold
Album link:
Raffaele Pezzella’s
The Recognition Test - show #355
9am Sunday 12th January, repeated 11pm Thursday 16th January [UK time].
New releases from The Unexplained Sounds Group.
Track list
Mantris - Sit Down To The Banquet Of Your Consequences
Happomeri – Bunkkeripiknik
AFTERVOLTER & Ungus, the altered - omnibursia dimension
Antonin De Bemels - Artrose Phosphorescence
TRSv2 -Deep Sea Sailing
Nerthus - Madness Beneath the Waves
Yousef Kawar - Doctrine of Machines Harmony
Virus2020 - Insomnia / Hurt
SÍLENÍ - The Interstellar Citadel
unearth noise - Time Well
CASTRUP I EMERGE - covalent radii revisited III
Generative Wastelands 10
Saturday 4th January 2025 11pm and Monday 6th January 7pm UK time. (Repeated same days and times.)
Thomas Park's exploration of potential of outwardly abandoned places marches forward into 2025.
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The show is now available on the grey clay Mixcloud.
Wednesday 11th December, 7pm & Tuesday 17th December 3am [UK times] then repeating same days and times on following weeks.
Greek artist Kostas Staikos (aka Substak)presents the third magnificent ANALYSIS show for grey clay.
Show #03 Track List
1.Cousin Silas - Strathclyde Refit
2.Ghosts Whisper Softly - Yellow Leaves
3.Peltiform - Reprise ft. Dissolved
4.HDRF - Overchurch (Isolation)
5.Kraut Sounds - Deep Forest Sounds
6.In Vitro - Dismnesias
7.Lavatone - All Contact Was Lost And The Starcraft Presumably Broke Apart
8.RinniR - Pathétique I
9.Burning Dervish - Copper Medic Variations: II. Confusion Technique
10.Ahrien - Iluatsitsilluarneq Aamma Pilluarneq
11.Darkstar83 - Dread in the Glitch
12.Scan Francisco - Himalaya Mantra
13.Nelly Quist - Biom
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The show is now available on the GCR Mixcloud.
THA_LAB.Transmission 4
Starting 9pm Monday 2nd December, UK time.
The fourth superb guest mix for grey clay by Thierry Arnal. Mondays, 9pm & Fridays 3am, UK time.
Simon Cacheux - Day Six
Arash Akbari - Glimmer
Francisco Meirino - Beyond Repair 03
Francisco Meirino - Beyond Repair 05
Simon Cacheux - Day One
Francisco Meirino - Beyond Repair 11
Arash Akbari - For The Stillness Of Watching The World Through Your Eyes
Simon Cacheux - Day Eight
Arash Akbari - Tomorrow's Daylight
Simon Cacheux
Francisco Meirino
Arash Akbari
deep motif. playing a selection of past motif show tracks for 2 hours, 3 times a week!
DJ Dogs versus Shadows is making the tracks from the previous motif shows available to grey clay to play in this new playlist which will be added to each time a new show airs. The sheer quality of work that is submitted around the various monthly themes is just too good to not to play more regularly.
Mondays 11am-1pm; Wednesdays 5am-7am and Fridays 3pm-5pm, UK time.
(see toadworld page for a handy world time zones map)